Marriott Hotels: Fast Foods, Drinks & Lodging


Marriott Hotels is one of the best hotels in the US. It offers various goods and services that include fast foods, drinks, and lodge services where customers can get rooms to rest after taking part in heavy duties either during the daytime or at night. The management realized that the Loop district which is in the southern part of the city greatly requires its services (Shoemaker, Lewis, & Yesawich, 2007).

As a new manager of this organization, I have come up with a plan structure to direct how the opening of the hotel will take place. Various activities will be taking place in relation to this event to ensure all the citizens in and out of the district are aware of the project. Through different advertising agencies, most people can access the information and come during the opening date (Jagels, 2008). Different types of media in the advertising plan include magazines and newspapers, press releases, cable TV photographs of the apartment tradeshows among other important types of advertisement.

The marketing plan structure

For the organization to realize good returns from the advertisement agencies, I have decided to break down the three-month period into four different parts. Most individuals in the city are literate and have access to televisions. This is a good aspect for the organization to start advertising right away. The cable television will provide information concerning the site of the hotel and its physical appearance. It will include pictures of the hotel of the apartment environment and all the services that it will be offering. I expect that the cable television advertisement will go on until one month after the opening of the hotel. This is to ensure that people get the information before opening, during the opening and after opening to promote the brand name of the hotel (Jagels, 2008).


After one month from now, the organization will be ready to advertise the new branch through the newspapers. This will take place in every Friday newspaper so that all people who read newspapers during weekends can get the information. The information will appear in the newspapers for one month. The information will also appear in the newspapers on the last Friday before the grand opening of the new hotel. During this last advertisement, the newspapers will contain photographs of the hotel strategically taken from the entrance and other important sites of the apartment. The grand opening announcements will appear in the last newspaper to enable most newspaper readers to get the right information on the launching date.


The last two weeks will have busy activities regarding advertisement. Mails will be sent to different people inside and outside the area to attend the opening day. This will take place on the first Saturday after the end of the three months from now. This will also be aired live on television on the last Friday of the three months. The mails will be sent to all employees, all board members, all the customers that the organization has their mails, and other government representatives (Shoemaker, Lewis, & Yesawich, 2007).

Magazines containing our services will be issued to different members during this event. After one week of launching the hotel operations, the organization will be able to make a press release indicating that the apartment is in operation and all customers are welcome. This will be on the first Saturday after the launching date. Immediately after the press release, the hotel will carry on with trade shows to inform all the citizens of its operations and urge most of the prospective customers to visit the apartment and enjoy themselves. This event will go on for one full week in different parts of the district and other parts of Chicago city.


Jagels, M. (2008). Hospitality managing accounting ninth edition. New York: Prentice Hall.

Shoemaker, S., Lewis, C. & Yesawich C. (2007). Marketing Leadership In Hospitality And Tourism. New York: Prentice Hall.

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