Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Discussion

Maslow’s hierarchy is one of the popular theories of motivation. It is a particular description of human needs from the lowest desires to the highest. Based on this theory, a large number of concepts are currently used in numerous areas of life, including business, education, the health sector, and so on. The psychologist studied incentives and the degree of satisfaction, which acts as a driving force and a call to action. He advised that every person has certain essentials for a satisfying life, which he aspires to (Trivedi&Mehta, 2019). All motivators are divided into precise categories and presented in the form of a pyramid.

Motivators can be primary and secondary depending on their importance and relevance. Therefore, the theory is reflected in the form of a pyramid, not a diagram. It is done to simplify the perception of the theory and avoid confusion in definitions. In Maslov’s theory, these concepts are highly correlated with a person’s standard of living and psycho-emotional state, so they should be viewed exclusively through these critical lenses. There is no need to think of motivators in isolation; they are all part of the same chain. The primary or physiological needs of a person are laid down from birth. It helps people to exist: food, water, and motion. Secondary or psychological motivators come with the experience and development of a person: success, respect, power, belonging to something, the desire for well-being (Trivedi&Mehta, 2019). There is a direct connection between physical and psychological motivators. Until the individual has satisfied basic desires, he will have difficulties thinking about higher aspirations.

For example: if a person works hard, takes care of sick parents, and does all household chores (Concept A), he has no time to think about self-development and self-knowledge (Proposition). His secondary psychological needs remain uncovered from potential progress and cannot positively affect the standard of living (Concept B). It is difficult to overcome since the position in a society strongly influences the physical and emotional state of people.


Trivedi, A. J. & Mehta, A. (2019). Maslow’s hierarchy of needs – Theory of human motivation. International Journal of Research in all Subjects in Multi Languages, 7(6). Web.

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