There is a higher risk for an adolescent mother to have pregnancy complications including pallor, and hypertension. Gestational diabetes typically disappears after the mother conceives an offspring. If untreated, gestational diabetes can cause untimely birth, the child having breathing issues upon entering the world, jaundice, or low glucose. There are two sorts of hypertension during pregnancy, gestational and ongoing. Constant hypertension alludes to women who previously had hypertension before pregnancy, and it did not disappear after birth (Mutsaerts et al., 2014). Paternal factors are significant indicators of unfavorable birth results (Mutsaerts et al., 2014). Both Paternal and Maternal smoking conduct and liquor use during pregnancy, entanglements during pregnancy, and conveyance regularly have side effects.
Types of Prenatal Assessment
Various examinations are recommended to pregnant women as a feature of their routine pre-birth care to find conditions that might expand the danger of intricacies for the mother and baby. These can incorporate blood and urine examinations and screening and analytic tests for birth risks (Mutsaerts et al., 2014). Ultrasound is one of the principal screening with blood tests. This is an excellent method to prevent severe conditions for a child in an early stage.
Minor and Major Complications of Pregnancy

Infections or conditions the mother had before she became pregnant can prompt difficulties during pregnancy. Sleep deprivation, back torment, dazedness are a few instances of minor problems (Lebel et al., 2019). Pregnancy intricacies can go from small distresses to extreme, some of the time hazardous, cases. Beforementioned hypertension and gestational diabetes are significant intricacies (Lebel et al., 2019). A fetus is shielded from numerous sicknesses during pregnancy, similar to the normal cold or a passing stomach infection (Lebel et al., 2019). However, a few infections can be destructive to both mother and child. Simple tasks, for example, hand washing and staying away from specific food varieties, can keep safe from certain diseases.
It is important to raise the awareness of the community on the risks to child health brought by the actions not only after the birth of a child but before delivery. The high rate of congenital disabilities is believed to be due to people’s lack of knowledge on paternal and maternal factors affecting fetus (Mutsaerts et al., 2014). Social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter are a great platform to post useful information (Lyson et al., 2018). It is also helpful for doctors to consult young families on the right diet, habits, and potential risks during the prenatal period.
Lebel, C. A., McMorris, C. A., Kar, P., Ritter, C., Andre, Q., Tortorelli, C., & Gibbard, W. B. (2019). Characterizing adverse prenatal and postnatal experiences in children. Birth Defects Research, 111(12), 848–858. Web.
Lyson, H. C., Le, G. M., Zhang, J., Rivadeneira, N., Lyles, C., Radcliffe, K., Pasick, R. J., Sawaya, G., Sarkar, U., & Centola, D. (2018). Social media as a tool to promote health awareness: Results from an online cervical cancer prevention study. Journal of Cancer Education, 34(4), 819–822. Web.
Mutsaerts, M. A., Groen, H., Buiter-Van der Meer, A., Sijtsma, A., Sauer, P. J., Land, J. A., Mol, B. W., Corpeleijn, E., & Hoek, A. (2014). Effects of paternal and maternal lifestyle factors on pregnancy complications and perinatal outcome. A population-based birth-cohort study: The Gecko Drenthe cohort. Human Reproduction, 29(4), 824–834. Web.
Porter, L. (2021). Different types of pregnancy complications [Image]. Verywell Family. Web.