Medication Reconciliation Analysis

To date, there are many ways, methods, tactics, and strategies to expand knowledge and understanding of the results and consequences of medication reconciliation (MedRec). For example, to determine whether the measures taken will lead to the expected outcome, such discrepancies as omissions, commissions, dosing, frequency errors, and many others should primarily be considered (Abdulghani et al., 2018). Consequently, taking into account the shortcomings will help identify the current level of how well the medicines reconciliation is developed and otherwise take corrective actions. Accurate information about medicines to ensure the safety of a “sick person,” and a specialist will be able to understand when, in what cases, and at what doses the patient needs to take medicine. Nevertheless, in this case, competence is still required in drawing up an initial and pre-considered list of drugs.

Moreover, one of the effective and efficient efforts worth paying attention to is assessing the clinical outcome 30 days after a patient’s discharge. The consequences can be considered through interviews, consultations, discussions, and studying of medical records (Al-Hashar et al., 2018). Perhaps this is one of the most valuable indicators of determining how competently and correctly the process of taking medications was coordinated and approved. It is logical to assume that repeated hospitalization may result from an unsuccessful prescription and use of drugs — this is one of the critical indicators because no one wants to get sick again. On the contrary, a person’s well-being and mood symbolize the methodology’s usefulness. Nevertheless, in this brief overview, it seems quite problematic to cover all the most critical aspects of MedRec. Anyway, the above examples are enough to reveal the main ideas regarding measuring success in preventing harm to patients due to incorrect medication intake.

Other Physician Practices

When approving the medication lists, doctors are usually guided by the following essential principles for CQI development. A healthcare professional primarily evaluates and analyzes patients’ information, medical history, and methods of treating ailments (Oh et al., 2021). Thus, the data obtained allows one to see a more complete, accurate, and objective picture of the situation to make specific decisions about the approval of medicines. In addition, this procedure, by and large, permits a physician to ensure the continuity of prevention and treatment of a specific disease and minimize the number of potential errors in the process of interaction with a patient. Hence, an expert can have explicit knowledge of the types of mistakes, possible consequences for the health and condition of the human body, as well as the levels of pharmaceutical interventions (Oh et al., 2021). Thus, through the initial identification of the necessary facts and details and the prediction of possible consequences, the results from the point of view of medicines reconciliation are significantly improved.

Furthermore, medical professionals in their practice are guided by a different principle when “checking” the consequences. For instance, medical specialists are interested in patients’ opinions and ask them leading questions about the quality of care and services provided for the organization of the process of support, treatment, and recovery. Such an experience, as practice shows, supports the actual data with emotional impressions, thoughts, and experiences in order to avoid the recurrence of diseases. People are especially pleased when their symptoms are treated with extraordinary seriousness and show empathy and interest in their problems (Krook et al., 2020). In short, this kind of interview directly helps to coordinate actions on the way to success in contacting patients and eliminating the procedure of improper medication taking. Therefore, it should be concluded that communicative competencies are critical when collecting information (Feliz & Barroca, 2022). With the help of these skills, a medic thereby facilitates their understanding of a “client” and increases their literacy in health issues through medicines reconciliation.

In general, it should be mentioned that in their professional activities, physicians follow several unshakable concepts and “laws” in the field. At least, when approving medicines, they take note of such aspects as knowledge and savvy in treatment issues, standardization, and adequate integration (Gionfriddo et al., 2021). However, this is only part of what is necessary for the successful performance of official duties and when prescribing medications. Following these principles automatically reduces the likelihood of errors, risks, and mistakes and increases the chances of high achievements in contact with a patient. Strict adherence to instructions and a well-thought-out plan, which is recommended to adhere to, is the key to success, without which it is impossible to imagine the thoughtful “incorporation” of MedRec into the healthcare system.

One should also recall the following vital and significant elements. It allows for predicting noticeable results in the competent cooperation of a physician with service providers, pharmacists, nurses, and other colleagues in the industry (Stolldorf et al., 2021). In particular, a special benefit can be gained by using tactics such as ERIC and its components, which also emphasize the importance of integrating roles, statuses, and responsibilities (Stolldorf et al., 2021). Guided by interaction, communication, coordination, and harmonization, one can already talk in advance about a positive outcome for a patient, a doctor, and a medical institution at the micro, meso, and macro levels.


Abdulghani, K. H., Aseeri, M. A., Mahmoud, A., & Abulezz, R. (2018). The impact of pharmacist-led medication reconciliation during admission at tertiary care hospital. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 40(1), pp. 196-201.

Al-Hashar, A., Al-Zakwani, I., Eriksson, T., Sarakbi, A., Al-Zadjali, B., Al Mubaihsi, S., & Za’abi, A. (2018). Impact of medication reconciliation and review and counselling, on adverse drug events and healthcare resource use. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 40(5), pp. 1154-1164.

Feliz, J. M., & Barroca, M. (2022). Handbook of research on assertiveness, clarity, and positivity in health literacy. IGI Global.

Gionfriddo, M. R., Duboski, V., Middernacht, A., Kern, M. S., Graham, J., & Wright, E. A. (2021). A mixed methods evaluation of medication reconciliation in the primary care setting. PloS One, 16(12), pp. 1-25.

Krook, M., Iwarzon, M., & Siouta, E. (2020). The discharge process — from a patient’s perspective. SAGE Open Nursing, 6, pp. 1-9.

Oh, A. L., Tan, A. G. H. K., & Chieng, I. Y. Y. (2021). Detection of medication errors through medication history assessment during admission at general medical wards. Journal of Pharmacy Practice, pp. 1-6.

Stolldorf, D. P., Ridner, S. H., Vogus, T. J., Roumie, C. L., Schnipper, J. L., Dietrich, M. S.,… & Kripalani, S. (2021). Implementation strategies in the context of medication reconciliation: A qualitative study. Implementation science communications, 2(1), pp. 1-14.

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