Medication: The Costs Minimization

After the diagnosis, most patients are required tp purchase different types of drugs to facilitate treatment. This results from the problem of insufficient funds available for the government to offer free drugs to the sick. Due to economic and social factors, some patients may find it difficult to purchase those drugs. High set prices of drugs are a common barrier to the affected individuals making their availability difficult. Pharmacies have different market prices creating room for comparison before purchase. Therefore, patients can take minimized-cost plans to get the drugs at cheaper costs.

A comparison of different Medicare plans should be made during the initial stage of enrollment. Clients are advised to choose coverages that cooperate with Medicare Advantage plans to save on the money spent while buying drugs (Stephenson, 2021). Serious attention should be paid to the deductions and co-pays before medical subscriptions. If I find myself advising patients on reducing or minimizing costs, I will tell them to visit various suppliers to compare the retail costs. A pharmacist who sells at the lowest price should be the most preferred for the purchase. Patients should also adopt a discount prescription card strategy where an online site known as GoodRx is utilized (Etteldorf et al., 2022). It offers online prescriptions where the prices of each medicine are indicated. This gives the sick a variety of options to make a better decision on the most suitable plan. Codes or coupons available are used to facilitate discounts hence getting them at cheaper costs.

Discount prescription cards can be obtained from retail outlets where saving plans can be selected. Visiting drug manufacturers directly without involving third parties like the suppliers is another essential saving plan. This is because most companies offer free or discounts for individuals who qualify with their terms and policies (Westerhof et al., 2022). Price reductions resulting from discounts offered to reduce medication barriers to the affected individuals. Even if not all drugs can be discounted, the price reduction can reduce financial problems. Additionally, an online database is used to access drug manufacturers located far from the premises of the patients. They can interact with them by responding to questions concerning delivery methods.


Etteldorf, A., Rotolo, S., Sedhom, R., Vogel, R. I., Blaes, A., Dusetzina, S. B., Virnig, B., & Gupta, A. (2022). Finding the lowest-cost pharmacy for cancer supportive care medications: Not so easy. JCO Oncology Practice, 18(8). Web.

Stephenson, J. (2021). As Congress weighs expanded coverage, Medicare patients bear large out-of-pocket costs for dental, hearing care. JAMA Health Forum, 2(9). Web.

Westerhof, L., Misher, A., & Fulbright, A. (2022). Pharmacist strategies for addressing medication cost barriers to equitable health in primary care. JACCP: Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy, 5(8), 894–903. Web.

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