Adrian Guzman’s ‘Men on the Down Low’: Highlights & Summary


In the articles under consideration, such a discourse as the down low of the Black men is considered. According to Phillips, this concept is the reflection of prejudice to the public and regular complaints about certain problems (3). Although this social concept is related not only to African-Americans but also to other racial groups, in the topic in question, as Guzman notes, black young people are under the greatest pressure. According to Rodriguez, increased attention to the problem of same-sex love among the members of this population segment is viewed in the press actively enough, which is the consequence of the high level of suicides.

At the same time, not only the problem of gay male is assessed as acute but also other issues, for instance, the propensity for HIV and the risk of the virus transmission. Some arguments are theoretically justified: one-third of the US gay black male population carry the disease (Denizet-Lewis). However, as Anderson argues, the risk of black women in the context of HIV is no less high. According to Han, attention to the gay male population is increased, which creates difficulties for this social stratum and imposes a rigid censure framework and “moral panic” (237).


What struck me most when studying this topic was enhanced and even aggressive attitude towards black men directly. Along with bias on the basis of sexual orientation, these people are subject to racial prejudice, which is unacceptable today in a civilized society. The facts presented in the articles testify to tough views on individual freedom, and these opinions are frightening and alarming in the 21st century.

Informal Summary

The main problem addressed in the reviewed articles is same-sex love among the young male black population, as well as the consequences of such behavior. In addition to this topic, other issues are also raised, for instance, the increased risk of spreading HIV among this category of population. The facts and arguments presented by the authors indicate the relevance of this theme and social challenges that African-Americans face.

Work Cited

Anderson, Tomika. “HIV in Black Women: It’s not About Men on the Down Low.” The Body. 2010. 

Denizet-Lewis, Benoit. “Double Lives on the Down Low.New York Times Magazine. 2003. 

Guzman, Adrian. “Men on the Down Low.The Body. Web.

Han, Chong-suk. “No Brokeback for Black Men: Pathologizing Black Male (Homo) Sexuality Through down Low Discourse.” Social Identities, vol. 21, no. 3, 2015, 228-243.

Phillips, Layli. “Deconstructing “Down Low” Discourse: The Politics of Sexuality, Gender, Race, AIDS, and Anxiety.” Journal of African American Studies, vol. 9, no. 2, 2005, pp. 3-15.

Rodriguez, Mathew. “Why Does Mainstream Media Continue to Throw Young Black Gay Men under the Bus?The Body. 2013. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Adrian Guzman’s ‘Men on the Down Low’: Highlights & Summary." June 11, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Adrian Guzman’s ‘Men on the Down Low’: Highlights & Summary." June 11, 2021.

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