Michael Lewis’ “Blind Side” Book Review

Michael Lewis’ book, Blind Side, is a fascinating real-life tale of Michael Oher’s life from struggle to the uttermost success. The book starts by informing its readers about the changes that were taking place in football. The story of Oher is then introduced when a man by the name of Tony enrolls him at the Briarcrest Christian Academy. Oher does so poorly academically because he had not been afforded the privilege for tuition. Nonetheless, the school accepted him because he was talented in both basketball and football, which were considered good sports. Moreover, Oher works with exceptional tutors to enhance his grades while he continues with football. Mrs. Touhy decides to allow Oher to be remaining at their home instead of going back to his poor neighborhood. Touhy’s family then adopted Oher to the point that he became famous and rich to be the first African-American member of the wealthy Caucasian evangelical membership.

Stylistic devices are always crucial in writing a story as they enhance meaning and help with plot and characterization. For example, at the start of the novel, suspense is used regarding Oher’s raising to allow readers to make assumptions before the truth is revealed. Oher is presented as a foolish child who has to do each grade twice. However, at the end of the novel, the missing information about Oher’s mother being a cocaine addict sheds some light. The readers can sympathize with Oher because they get to understand his plights, such as not knowing his name, age, and even father. A clear extent of poverty that Oher lived before his success enhances understanding about his initially reserved personality and poor academic performance.

Moreover, Lewis successfully uses exaggerated descriptions of different scenes to create imageries and enhance characterization. A good example is where Lewis states that Leigh Anne has a nose for trouble, eye for detail, will of a storm, and a heart of a lion. While reading, it is easy to picture the character of Mrs. Touhy and make a judgment as to the kind of a person she was after receiving Oher.

The unique storytelling ability that Lewis possesses makes his biography interesting and supports significant themes in life. In essence, the life of Oher is an inspiration as it indicates that regardless of the background of a person, it is possible to remain resilient and achieve any socio-economic level. As the audience goes through the mind, lifestyle, and transformation in Lewis’ life, they can identify with the other supporting characters in the storyline. Therefore, talent in narrating makes it possible to give lessons that only the wise can find.

However, the book appears to support the long-held American mythologies and stereotypes. Specifically, about black kids being born out of wedlock and raised by single mothers, as was the case of Oher. In addition, as is typical for American literature, a white Christian family comes to the rescue. Since the novel is a biography, it is expected that the events happened just as described. However, the audience cannot help but wonder if the author intentionally added or omitted some important details so that the life of Ohio can fit into specific mythology.

In summary, the Blind Side by Michael Lewis is an exciting biography of Oher, whose early childhood life was characterized by pain and lack, but due to his talent in football, he became rich. The author uses several stylistic devices to create entertainment and enhance understanding of the themes. The only downside of the story is that some information appears to be influenced by infamous mythologies and stereotypes, not the character’s life. Overall, the novel is suitable for people across all age groups.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, March 7). Michael Lewis’ “Blind Side” Book Review. https://studycorgi.com/michael-lewis-blind-side-book-review/

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StudyCorgi. "Michael Lewis’ “Blind Side” Book Review." March 7, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/michael-lewis-blind-side-book-review/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Michael Lewis’ “Blind Side” Book Review." March 7, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/michael-lewis-blind-side-book-review/.

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