Middle-Range Theories in Nursing Practice


Middle-range nursing theories are an essential part of successful and deliberate nursing practice, which ensures the efficiency and integrity of the overall procedure. For a family nurse practitioner, it is critical to understand the ultimate value of every nursing theory and its practical implications since they allow applying a systematic approach to inpatient care. The most notable middle-range nursing theories are the theory of comfort and maternal role attainment theory, which one of the many examples of the given conceptual framework. The former approach is mainly focused on putting comfort at the forefront of healthcare practice. It assesses and determines any inconveniences and sources of discomfort among patients, which are eliminated or reduced later on (Lima, Guedes, Silva, Freitas, & Fialho, 2017).

The given middle-range nursing theory usually takes place after the primary care plans are carried out. It is vital for a family nurse practitioner because it ensures that the family’s surrounding environment is safe for healthy recovery.

Maternal role attainment theory

However, the maternal role attainment theory is mostly based on the notion of helping mothers to attain their maternal identity. It makes sure that appropriate healthcare interventions are given to mothers to allow them to create a condition where both mothers and their children can interact in a highly safe manner (Kordi, Fasanghari, Asgharipour, & Esmaily, 2017). In addition, the given conceptual framework plays a crucial role in developing a significant amount of competence among mothers, which usually results in the fact that they experience the joy and happiness of motherhood.

The given theory is important mainly because mothers are central units of any family. Both of these theories are highly similar in terms of execution because they take place only after the primary health care plans (Im et al., 2018). However, the main difference is that maternal role attainment theory is focused on a narrow scope of people, whereas comfort theory applies to any patient at any stage of the health care plan.


Im, E. O., Broome, M. E., Inouye, J., Kunaviktikul, W., Oh, E. G., Sakashita, R., … Wang, H. H. (2018). An emerging integrated middle-range theory on Asian women’s leadership in nursing. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 29(4), 318-325.

Kordi, M., Fasanghari, M., Asgharipour, N., & Esmaily, H. (2017). The effect of maternal role training program on role attainment and maternal role satisfaction in nulliparous women with unplanned pregnancy. Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 6(61), 113-115.

Lima, J. V. F., Guedes, M. V. C., Silva, L. F., Freitas, M. C., & Fialho, A. V. M. (2017). Usefulness of the comfort theory in the clinical nursing care of new mothers: Critical analysis. Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem, 37(4), 1-5.

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StudyCorgi. "Middle-Range Theories in Nursing Practice." August 10, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/middle-range-theories-in-nursing-practice/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Middle-Range Theories in Nursing Practice." August 10, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/middle-range-theories-in-nursing-practice/.

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