Mitch Albom’s “Tuesdays with Morrie” Reflections

Morrie’s lessons are a guideline to veritable values

The professor’s lessons personify communication, love, and moral values. Morrie’s story is rather emotionally charged, through which the reader could perceive the eternal topic of life and death. Those lessons captivated me with the problems they revealed and the amazing solutions taken

The book is a marvelous guideline to Morrie’s life, his teaching experience and his illness that changed his outlook on life. His narration makes the readers ponder on the actual thing that we should appreciate. The main protagonist of the story tells the events from his own life overwhelmed with the in-depth sense. I was really impressed by the strength of Morrie’s character and his ability to value each moment of life. The professor tried to reveal the veritable virtues that a human should possess. I also liked his statement about human needs concerning time and money. He believes that “there’s a big confusion in this country about what we want and what we need”. Being on the edge of death, he realizes that money could not be compared with the value of time. Though his narration is rather simple, Morries manages to disclose the real assets of life. I was inspired by Morrie’s lessons, as they have taught me how to avoid all the material constraints of my life.

It is worth saying that this true story of Morries Schwartz highlights the universal truths about the hardships that every person could encounter in his/her life. The excessive emotionalism of Morrie’s narrations could not leave anyone indifferent. The professor manages to foster Mitch’s understanding that every moment of his life should bring sense and wisdom.

Mitch’s reevaluation of life

In the book, Mitch accentuates several ideas about laws of nature, love and hate, life and death. While attending his lesson, Mitch realizes that his career in journalism is something more than work but “lifeline…when I saw my stories in print each morning, I knew that, in at least one way, I was alive” (Albom 44). The professor’s desire to teach is revealed through incessant attempts to fight for life. The Morrie’s lessons also teach about acceptance and dignity. Mitch’s behavior impresses when professor becomes weaker, he shows how his physical weakness turns into the strength of the heart and soul. Being the witness of the professor’s tortures and the way he overcomes that, Mitch reevaluates his approach to his work and family thus paying more attention to the problems of morale. Morrie’s nobility and kindness inspire him and trigger him to be more concerned with family matters thus realizing the meanness of the material world.

The book greatly impressed me with a great number of wisest ideas narrated by the professor. I like the language of the book as involved me in the events at once. I The words uttered by the main hero. The character captivated me the way he trespasses the adversities, as his strong spirit did allow him to surrender to a horrible disease. In conclusion, Morrie’s philosophical lessons could serve as a handbook for each person who does not still find his goal in life and who is eager to cognate the veritable values each person must possess. In my opinion, this autobiographic novel could serve as the Bible for those who lost the sense in life and who want to cognate what is happiness, love, and respect. For me, the book has become the source of inspiration and endless energy that charges me when I am at a loss.

Works Cited

Albom, Mitch. Tuesdays with Morrie: an old man, a young man, and life’s greatest lesson. US: Anchor Books, 2005.

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