Mitra Organization’s Introducing Changes

Introducing changes to an organization is always a challenging task. Even in case the smallest details have to be altered, the entire system has to be shaped so that the alterations in question could lead to an improvement instead of harming the firm. The situation in Mittra’s organization, the case in point, is a graphic example of the issue in question. Attempting at introducing change in the setting of the entrepreneurship, the company vice president has come to the realization that people accept change rather unwillingly, especially when it requires the acquisition of new skills and the need to carry out difficult tasks. The shift from the use of standard statistical tools to the adoption of advanced methods can be performed successfully only once a proper training program is introduced, and the company makes the transfer as easy for the staff as possible with the help of a new training program.

On the surface, therefore, the problem that the company is currently facing concerns the choice of an adequate strategy that will help them determine the production rates that they will have to keep in order to produce the required amount of goods. However, a closer look at the subject matter will reveal that the company has to improve the competencies of its staff members so that the employees could be able to read the results delivered with the help of advanced tests.

Although the adoption of the standard evaluation methods that every single employee is well aware of helps improve information acquisition, processing, and transfer, it still prevents from retrieving the outcome that will define the production strategy of the organization. Consequently, on a deeper level, the problem concerns human resources management, in general, and the process of staff training, in particular (Logan & Johnstone, 2012, p. 170).

The solution to the problem in question is rather obvious – it will be required to introduce a training program that will allow the company’s subordinates to acquire new analytical skills efficiently. Simultaneously, the adoption and further promotion of new analytical tools will be required. Thus, the employees will be able to train their newly acquired skills by addressing actual workplace issues and carrying out the statistical analysis.

The training program, in its turn, will have to concern the staff’s redefinition of training and learning in the workplace. Particularly, the employees will have to be introduced to the idea of consistent learning as a part of working in the company. Suggesting the staff the idea of lifelong learning and regular acquisition and training of skills may be viewed as a negative change by most of them since their concept of being an expert in a specific domain may not involve constant learning. Therefore, the very set of corporate values and ethics will have to be redefined so that the subordinates should not feel reluctant to the idea of learning the required skills.

Specifically, the company will have to emphasize the importance of adhering to a certain type of organizational behavior and upholding to a set of values suggested by the firm. First and most obvious, the entrepreneurship leaders will have to reconsider the corporate values, which they currently foist on their staff. For instance, the standards for the qualifications of the subordinates will have to be redefined so that a consistent improvement of skills and acquisition of new knowledge could be promoted.

Then, the principle of lifelong learning, which is traditionally define as “the development of human potential through a continuously supportive process which stimulates and empowers individuals to acquire all the knowledge, power, skills and understanding they will require throughout their lifetimes and apply them with confidence, creativity and enjoyment in all roles, circumstances and environments” (Jarvis, 2012, p. 140), should be introduced to the company members. Next, the environment for carrying out the corresponding statistical tests should be created, with the required standards set and the guidelines for the procedures provided. Thus, the precision of the financial forecasts can be enhanced to its logical maximum.

Additionally, a role model for the employees to comply with will have to be introduced so that the staff could have a clear perspective of what they are expected to do and how they should act so that they could meet the newly introduced requirements. The head of the company and the managers may become the role models for employees to follow; however, to make sure that staff accepts the model in question, the leader and the managers will have to adopt the transformative leadership approach (Shields, 2012). Seeing that the latter is aimed at reinventing the subordinates’ concept of organizational behavior by appealing to their needs and demands, the transformative leadership style is bound to return positive results and promote further changes in the organizational environment.

Though the transfer from one model of organizational behavior to another and the redesign of the company’s organizational values might seem a somewhat drastic step towards enhancing the adoption of a new analytical approach, one must admit that it is bound to have positive effects on not only the analytical process but also on the staff’s acceptance of changes that the entrepreneurship may have to go through. Therefore, the firm should encourage the organizational change so that a new and improved statistical tool could be deployed to model forecasts and, therefore, promote further growth of the entrepreneurship.

Reference List

Jarvis, P. (2012). Towards a comprehensive theory of human learning. New York City, New York: Routledge. Web.

Logan, C., & Johnstone, L. (2012). Managing clinical risk: A guide to effective practice. New York City, New York: Routledge. Web.

Shields, S. M. (2012). Transformative leadership in education: Equitable change in an uncertain and complex world. New York City, New York: Routledge. Web.

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