Mixed Methods Research in Marketing: Benefits and Applications


A study strategy known as mixed methods research combines quantitative and qualitative research techniques. It is frequently employed when a researcher wishes to use both quantitative and qualitative data to understand a research subject better. Numerical data collection and analysis are part of quantitative research approaches. Surveys, tests, and other techniques can be used to get this information. The gathering and analysis of non-numerical data, such as text, photographs, or audio recordings, is a critical component of qualitative research methodologies. The process of gathering and evaluating data on clients, rivals, and markets is known as marketing research.

Advantages of mixed methods research

Utilizing mixed methods research in marketing studies has a number of benefits. In the beginning, it can offer a more comprehensive knowledge of the study issue. The researcher can better comprehend the various viewpoints on the subject by combining quantitative and qualitative data. Second, the limits of either quantitative or qualitative research alone can be solved with the use of mixed methodologies research. Quantitative analysis, for instance, may be used to determine how common a phenomenon is, and qualitative research can be used to comprehend the causes of the occurrence. Third, analysis using a combination of quantitative and qualitative techniques can be more reliable. The researcher can make a more comprehensive and compelling case by combining the two processes.

Disadvantages of mixed methods research

Utilizing mixed methods research in marketing research has some additional drawbacks:

  1. It could be more expensive and time-consuming than just one research approach.
  2. Compared to a single research approach, a mixed methods study might be more challenging to plan and carry out. To make sure that the two methodologies are compatible, the researcher must carefully analyze the research topic and the study strategy.
  3. Mixed methods research might be more challenging to assess than one research approach.

The researcher must devise a strategy for integrating the quantitative and qualitative data to get relevant results. A range of marketing research issues may be better understood using mixed methodologies research, a valuable research methodology. Before utilizing mixed methods research, it is crucial to thoroughly weigh its benefits and drawbacks.

Types of mixed methods research

There are three main types of mixed-methods research:

  • Convergent mixed methods research: The quantitative and qualitative data are gathered, evaluated, and combined independently before being compared to determine if they concur (Kajamaa et al., 2020).
  • Explanatory mixed methods research: In explanatory mixed methods analysis, the conclusions of the qualitative data are explained using the quantitative data. For instance, a researcher may hold focus groups to learn what consumers think of a new product before conducting a survey to gather quantitative information on how many people are actually purchasing it (Haynes-Brown, 2023).
  • Exploratory mixed methods research: Qualitative information is employed to delve further into a subject (Almeida, 2018). For instance, a researcher may interview specialists to gain perspectives on a fresh marketing approach.

The type of mixed methods research employed will depend on the study’s goals and research question. Convergent mixed methods research is often an effective strategy for determining if the findings drawn from the quantitative and qualitative data concur or support one another. Explanatory mixed methods research is an excellent choice when a researcher wants to use quantitative data to illuminate qualitative data findings. Exploratory mixed methods research is effective if the researcher needs to employ qualitative data to go further into a topic. Transformative mixed methods research is used when required to challenge the status quo and support societal change.

Application of mixed methods research in marketing

  • Example 1: Focus groups may be used by a business to learn what consumers think about a new product. The number of clients who are happy with the product may then be quantified by a survey. It would provide the business with a better overall picture of how satisfied customers are with the product.
  • Example 2: A business may interview customers to determine what influences their brand loyalty. Next, it may conduct a survey to gather quantifiable information regarding how significant these characteristics are to clients. This would enable the business to pinpoint the key elements that affect consumer brand loyalty.
  • Example 3: To better understand the demands of future clients, a business may conduct surveys. To gain their opinions on how to address these demands, they could then hold focus groups with specialists. As a result, the business can determine the demands of its target market and create plans to address those needs.


In conclusion, mixed methodologies research is a valuable research methodology that may be applied to better comprehend a range of marketing research topics. Mixed methods research can give a more complete and holistic picture of the study issue by mixing quantitative and qualitative data. However, mixed methods research has drawbacks, such as the time and money required. However, diverse methodologies research is a potent tool for marketing research since the advantages exceed the liabilities.

Recommendations for future research

Future studies on mixed techniques in marketing should concentrate on a number of topics. First and foremost, it’s critical to investigate the efficacy of various mixed-methods techniques in this area. This will make it clear which methods produce the most significant outcomes. Second, it’s crucial to use a variety of ways to examine current marketing issues, including influencer and social media marketing. These fields are developing quickly; a thorough research method can provide insightful information. Finally, creative approaches should be devised to integrate quantitative and qualitative data smoothly in mixed methods research. This will increase the results’ depth and scope and guarantee that marketing trends and problems are understood holistically.

Limitations of mixed methods research

While providing a thorough approach to data collecting and analysis, mixed methods research needs help. The time and money commitment it requires is one of the main issues. It might take longer and cost more money to use both qualitative and quantitative research approaches at once than only to use one. This is because efficient execution frequently necessitates various resources, skills, and tools. Furthermore, the planning stage of a mixed-methods study might require some clarification. It might be difficult for researchers to make sure that both methodologies support the goals of the study. This complexity continues into the implementation stage, when it may be challenging to coordinate and integrate various research methodologies.

Additionally, the analysis stage might require some clarification. When dealing with data from several sources, it might be more challenging to synthesize and evaluate findings in order to reach meaningful conclusions. In order to ensure that the conclusions drawn from both qualitative and quantitative data sets are cohesive and functional, researchers must be proficient at traversing both types of data sets.


Despite its drawbacks, mixed methodologies research is a helpful strategy for learning more about marketing research problems. Giving a more complete and holistic view of the study issue can aid in overcoming the limits of either quantitative or qualitative research done alone. However, it could be more time- and money-consuming than employing just one study technique.


Almeida, F. (2018). Strategies to perform a mixed methods study. Zenodo. Web.

Camacho, S. (2019). From theory to practice: Operationalizing transformative mixed methods with and for the studied population. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 14(3), 305–335. Web.

Haynes-Brown, T. K. (2023). Using theoretical models in mixed methods research: An example from an explanatory sequential mixed methods study exploring teachers’ beliefs and use of technology. Journal of mixed methods research, 17(3), 243-263. Web.

Kajamaa, A., Mattick, K., & de la Croix, A. (2020). How to… do mixed‐methods research. The clinical teacher, 17(3), 267-271. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Mixed Methods Research in Marketing: Benefits and Applications." January 31, 2025. https://studycorgi.com/mixed-methods-research-in-marketing-benefits-and-applications/.


StudyCorgi. "Mixed Methods Research in Marketing: Benefits and Applications." January 31, 2025. https://studycorgi.com/mixed-methods-research-in-marketing-benefits-and-applications/.


StudyCorgi. 2025. "Mixed Methods Research in Marketing: Benefits and Applications." January 31, 2025. https://studycorgi.com/mixed-methods-research-in-marketing-benefits-and-applications/.

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