The focus on business and the associated growth in revenues could be considered major concerns of the modern world. To become successful, a company should be ready to obtain a significant competitive advantage and assure that its rivals will not be able to attain the same level of success (Walters n.d). There are constant attempts to create new approaches to management and undertake new methods that could guarantee a company becomes an important player in its chosen field of commerce. For this reason, any model of creative management that considers all of the above-mentioned aspects is likely to hold prominence in one of the most topical issues of the modern business world.
Creative management appeared as an attempt to integrate numerous innovative approaches to the organization of the functioning of a given company and contribute to improvement in its results. For this reason, there are several important aspects peculiar to the given practice. First, as stated above it is focused on the acquisition of a certain competitive advantage by introducing a new and innovative approach to the functioning of a given company or organization (Bilton 2006). The exploration of this strategy is expected to bring guaranteed outcomes and lead to the attainment of an advantageous commercial position.
Creative management
In general, it could be defined as a set of innovative approaches and methods used to attain a certain competitive advantage uniquely and unusually. Besides, the modern sphere of management accepts its great efficiency and tends to promote its further development and evolution. Creative management relies on such notions as innovativeness, creativity, and the high efficiency of its suggested approaches.
In this regard, a company that tries to use this approach should be ready to provide extra training for its staff to be able to meet new requirements and promote the company’s evolution and movement in the direction highlighted by the innovative strategy (Erickson 2015). Finally, its top managers should also be able to understand the main task and the direction in which they will need to move.
Revolving around the given approach, it is also crucial to mention the main way that is used to increase the efficiency of a certain aspect of a company’s functioning. Yet, creativity management presupposes the exploration of extraordinary methods to attract customers’ attention to a product and promote its further rise. These methods are focused on the appeal to all senses and peoples consciousness. For instance, a product that impacts an individual’s feeling of selectivity and some of his/her basic feelings will create better sales and help a company to obtain greater income. In this regard, the usage of the most innovative and unique methods to assist a company in the acquisition of competitive advantage might be considered the main purpose of creative management.
The positive impact of adherence to the basic principles of creative management could hardly be doubted. Statistics related to this sector evidence that companies and organizations which explore the given practices could be characterized by significantly better results as they obtain a great competitive advantage and can act using new and innovative approaches not available to their rivals (Erickson 2015).
In this regard, creative management could be considered a unique tool that should be used under modern conditions to help a given company to evolve and triumph over its competitors. Furthermore, one should also keep in mind the fact that the usage of the given approach also presupposes significant reorganization of the company and the shift of priorities towards new and even revolutionary practices.
Understanding of the creativity
Having analysed the major concerns of creative management, it is possible to admit a certain alteration of the attitude to its efficiency. The great practical use of the suggested methods is evidenced by numerous real-life examples. Companies that implement various kinds of appeals to sensory experiences and explore innovative technologies to guarantee the increased importance of their products are expected to become more profitable and have better outcomes (Seidel & Rosemann 2008).
In this regard, we could accept the unique importance of creative management for the modern business world. It helps to acquire a great competitive advantage and enjoy benefits from being the first to use a certain revolutionary practice. It could be recommended as an efficient tool to improve a company’s functioning and contribute to its further rise.
Kinder. Product analysis
The investigation of a given perspective on management could be conducted using a certain, real-life example to make the obtained data more credible and increase the feasibility of the research. For this reason, Kinder is chosen as an object for investigation. It is one of the most recognizable brands in the world as it attracts people’s attention and provides great revenues for the company. Several aspects condition the outstanding popularity of the given brand.
First, it managed to create efficient marketing and advertising strategy. Kinder used all modern means of media to attract attention to its products. At the very beginning of its advertising campaign and introduction of a new product to the market, Kinder Surprise made TV appearances every 15 minutes averagely (About us n.d.). It was a great achievement as this practice helped to advertise a good and attract attention to it.
Moreover, Kinder also sponsored several charity events like Charity Sales to help children in need all over the world (About us n.d.). Due to these wise steps, children all over the world consider their products to be among the most desirable gifts. Second, its unique image comes from the combination of numerous appeals. Kinder manages to influence several feelings at the same time. All basic senses are impacted. First, a child enjoys the delicious taste of high-quality milk chocolate.
In such a way Kinder appeals to the sense of taste. At the same time, he/she also feels the smell and associates any products made of chocolate with Kinder Surprise. Second, a child sees a recognizable chocolate egg in foil cover and enjoys the pleasant look of a toy. These aspects appeal to his/her sight. Third, hearing is affected by emphasizing the sound of a plastic container that is placed in the egg. Kinders advertisement devotes special attention to it trying to create stable links between this sound and its products. Finally, tactile feelings are appealed when a child unwraps a cover and enjoys a toy. Due to the great attention given to these aspects, the popularity of the given product remains high, and customers want to buy it to guarantee the fulfillment of their basic needs.
Creative strategies
Besides, a comprehensive exploration of the strategy used by Ferrero, an Italian company that manufactures candy, might help us to determine the most important peculiarities of creative management and its application to real-life conditions. At the moment, the company has its unique strategy that guarantees efficient communication with the majority of its partners and helps a company to remain profitable.
Yet, Ferrero tends to use the pattern that guarantees the preservation of its positive image and establishment of tight and trustful relations with its most important ways (About us n.d.). Moreover, it also tries to provide customers with the most important facts related to the company’s functioning and the unique peculiarities of its products.
Nevertheless, the company also gives great attention to its unique image and reputation. Some numerous campaigns and strategies are aimed at the gradual improvement of people’s attitude to the brand and shift of priorities to the usage of the products of this company. Furthermore, Ferrero’s department of public relations is focused on the creation of the most efficient strategy that could help to improve its relations with the community and attract people’s attention to it (Ingredients and suppliers n.d).
This preservation of the company’s positive image could be considered the most important task being conducted by Ferrero’s upper management. Besides, the unusual look of a product is explored by numerous visuals (see Images 1, 2, and 3 in Appendices) to increase its recognisability. Ferrero and Kinder are taken as high-quality products that are appreciated by society.
Ferrero was among the first companies to recognize the great importance of the given approach and combine various appeals within a single product to improve its popularity and promote the brand’s image all over the world. Due to the exploration of the given method, the Kinder egg is always taken as the most desirable sweet gift to a child who will be able to enjoy chocolate and a toy that could be found inside. With this in mind, creative management’s efficiency is proven by Kinder’s great popularity and spread.
Furthermore, the company also uses numerous efficient advertising practices to guarantee that people will have a stable level of interest in the given product. Yet, the majority of its advertisements revolve around kids and their satisfaction. One should realize the fact that it appeals to parents and children’s feelings. That is why Ferrero explores this image and tends to underline the idea that only Kinder is the best gift that guarantees fun and contributes to children’s feelings of happiness. This practice should be considered highly efficient as the company’s great incomes evidence the outstanding practical use of this approach. Therefore, we could also accept the great potential of this strategic plan as there are numerous opportunities for its further improvement.
Ways to improve
However, if considering the latest tendencies, one should admit the fact that the popularity of Kinder remains at the same level or has even started to decrease (Bhatnaturally 2013). This could be explained by the evolution of various means of communication and technologies that are used by other companies and brands to promote their products. For instance, the Internet should be considered a powerful platform that provides limitless opportunities for companies to offer their products and services.
However, Kinder’s image suffers from this tendency as it faces strong rivalry and has to alter its functioning to be able to overcome new challenges that appear every day. That is why it is crucial to be able to implement new practices in terms of creative management.
Besides, it is possible to emphasize the unique sensory experience that is related to Kinder Surprise. A child is likely to have several expectations when buying candy. He/she wants to taste chocolate, feels the excitement from opening the container to play with a toy. However, we could also suggest exasperating tactile feelings related to Kinder. Besides, its foil package could provide children with specific feelings that could be associated only with this very product.
Ferrero should include this aspect into its advertising strategy. Additionally, everyone remembers the appeal of the audio experience as, shaking an egg, a child could hear a specific sound that comes from the plastic container beating against the chocolate cover. Yet, it is possible to add another signal by creating a specific sound recording or even a song that will rest on this sound. It will help to strengthen an audio appeal that remains weak. New advertising should focus on this new music and repeat it as many times it is possible. Recognizable tune and frequency of its repetitions will impact children. They like to sing and whenever repeating this song they will think about kinder as the strong correlation between the sound and the image will be established. In such a way, the popularity of a product could be increased.
Altogether, Kinder could be considered a unique product that could provide us with the important knowledge that could help us to understand the main sense of creative marketing better. Its advertising company and the focus of the evolution of the brand’s popularity should be analyzed in terms of the above-mentioned approach. The company wisely associates sensory, audio, tactile, and other basic experiences with its products to guarantee a stable level of interest in its product (Our products n.d.). The outstanding popularity of this chocolate egg and children’s positive attitude to the toys could be used as the main evidence of the efficiency of the main methods suggested by creative marketing. Yet, there are some further opportunities for the company’s growth and evolution.
Reference List
About us n.d. Web.
Bilton, C 2006, Management and Creativity: From Creative Industries to Creative Management, Wiley-Blackwell, London.
Bhatnaturally 2013, Kinder Surprise: great marriage of insight and creativity. Web.
Erickson, J 2015, Importance of Creativity in Marketing. Web.
Ingredients and suppliers n.d. Web.
Our products. n.d. Web.
Seidel, S & Rosemann, M 2008, Creativity Management – The New Challenge. Web.
Walters, N n.d., Creativity in Marketing … Changing Channels. Web.