“Mona Lisa Smile”: Plot, Themes, and Influence

Mona Lisa Smile tells the story of feminist teacher Kathryn Ann Watson, who leaves her boyfriend in Los Angeles to teach at a conservative private women’s college. Instead of the bright minds of her generation, Kathryn meets girls with the primary life purpose to get married. Watson tries to convince her students that they are unrestricted to do whatever they desire with their lives. She encourages students to believe in themselves, learn to build professional careers, and secure their destinies. A young teacher uses her art lessons to demonstrate to girls that they shouldn’t stereotype women as housewives and mothers. Inspiring stories and powerful monologues help Kathryn reach the hearts of students; her narratives about strong women serve as an instance. Despite harsh criticism from the headmistress, teachers, and a barrier of incomprehension between students and her mindset, a huge faith in the future and a strong spirit helped Watson become the most favored teacher (Chao & Wang, 2021). She conveyed her message to the younger generation and inspired the girls for courage, brightness, and self-sufficiency.

I am very inspired by the image of such a teacher. I wish there were more educators like this in schools because sometimes I lack the motivation and the urge to explore. Such professionals leave memorable experiences and memory that remain in the heart for many years. I like it when teachers demonstrate a sincere intent to convey their words and idea to the world. Such an attitude towards work and students is a rare value in the modern education system. I like their strong sense of responsibility and the competent inclusion of personal experience into the teaching process. I am always waiting to listen to their stories, beliefs on global things, and thoughts on the future. It allows students to see the teacher as a wholesome person and feel more empathy and respect for him.


Chao, P., & Wang, Y. (2021). Women and matrimony: A study of Mona Lisa Smile. Journal of Language and Literature, 21(2), 294-306.

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1. StudyCorgi. "“Mona Lisa Smile”: Plot, Themes, and Influence." September 19, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/mona-lisa-smile-plot-themes-and-influence/.


StudyCorgi. "“Mona Lisa Smile”: Plot, Themes, and Influence." September 19, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/mona-lisa-smile-plot-themes-and-influence/.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "“Mona Lisa Smile”: Plot, Themes, and Influence." September 19, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/mona-lisa-smile-plot-themes-and-influence/.

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