Morrie Schwartz: Lessons on Living with ALS

The documentary discussed in this paper is dedicated to Morrie Schwartz, a former Sociology professor, who suffered from ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). Morrie was dying and wanted to share his experience to tell people what death is about in a series of television interviews. Although the program was focused on Morrie’s pre-death experiences, it presented some important lessons on life in general.

One of the lessons associated with dying that Morrie shares are the necessity not to hide from death and accept what awaits a person in the future. In my opinion, having the bravery to recognize the reality, as well as possessing the humility to accept it, is an essential lesson every person should embrace. Besides, Morrie underlines that keeping an open heart and encompassing others with love is crucial (“Morrie Schwartz: Lessons on Living” 00:26:35-00:28:45). Morrie’s wish to share his experience demonstrates his compassion and kindness, as it seems that one of his goals is to teach people not to be daunted by death. Finally, Morrie teaches us that despite the mourning for oneself, it is possible to enjoy the time one has left. Facing death is inevitable for every human being, and the ability to deal with it with dignity and resilience represents a true strength of spirit.

To conclude, the lessons of fortitude and compassion to oneself and others taught by Morrie Schwartz inspire to live to the fullest and enjoy life till the end. In addition, it is impressive how Morrie uses every opportunity to help other people go through one of the most difficult periods in their lives. Morrie’s lessons are crucial for understanding the more profound implications of life and death.

Works Cited

“Morrie Schwartz: Lessons on Living, Ted Koppel Nightline Interview.” YouTube, uploaded by Jerold Wedge. 2015, Web.

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