Social sciences are the study that encompasses geography with significant emphasis in the manner in which people live and plan themselves in the community. The sociological study usually takes place in the secondary and elementary institutions with a view of integrating the economics and geographical aspects of history and the world. Again, learning on the conduct of the state government is fundamentally undertaken in this field.
As such, the incorporated learning of social sciences advances to achieve civic proficiency. In secondary and elementary schools, social studies bring out the idea of coordination and integration of concepts from other disciples like law, psychology, religion, mathematics, and archaeology.
Social studies play a significant role in enabling students in elementary and secondary schools to make informed choices in their professional and personal lives. The students appreciate the notion of making a choice for the public good or rather, which significantly puts into priority the cultural, geographical, and social aspects of any organisation or community (National Council for the Social Studies).
National social studies standards and the social studies standards for the New York state revolve around the same organisations and themes under the social studies education irrespective of the previous revision of the standards. The standards aim to improve student’s performance and participation in the learning process.
Have an excellent social sciences curriculum, which ought to be followed to the latter. However, little is done in this endeavour irrespective of the numerous revisions of the standards (Passe 2006).
Majority of the teachers dislike social sciences. Rather, they concentrate on reading for other subjects like languages and maths. The entry level for social sciences courses in the universities is minimal curtailed by inadequate opportunities for fundamental research or effective expressions during the learning period.
Ultimately, these inefficiencies result in unprepared teachers in the field to accentuate the integration of economics, geography, and culture from the local or national level (Grant 2001).
Teachers and lecturers in the education committee should fight for social sciences position in the institution, organisation, and the state. In essence, persons that have a low priority to social science contribute less to ensure dominance and continuation of the subject.
Unfortunately, these individuals dominate the society at different levels, thus endangering the field. The national and New York states experience difficulties in convincing the state government to channel their focus on social sciences rather than immensely dwelling on test results in reading and mathematics.
The national and NY standards present fundamental themes, which cover on change. In essence, the themes of culture, time, environment, society science, and technology encompass their similarity. As such, the standards express the same voice, which focus on the public good.
However, it is evident that these themes have not been deeply touched as per the standards documented. Rather, tendencies of neglecting to social studies have led to low concentration of culture, environment, and society from the social studies point of view.
The final consequences of poor abiding of the standard provision make majority of elementary student be poorly prepared for secondary school. This comes at a time when the two standards have adequately put in place high priority for social studies. Again, both standards have high consideration in advocating for responsibilities of democratic citizenship.
National social studies standards and the social studies standards for the New York state have a distinctive view to organisation. The national standards are more general to the fundamental and common standards of social studies, which encompasses the United States.
On the other hand, New York gives more details of the specific social studies standards for the state organisation. For instance, as the national standard touches on the theme of the environment, New York standards touch on the specific actions, effects, and negligence for the environment from the social science perspective (National Council for the Social Studies).
The New York social studies themes focus on people, individual development, production and distribution as well as consumption. On the other hand, the National social studies have a distinctive approach to places, global connections, groups, and institutions. Nevertheless, the national standards also give fundamental focus to civic ideals and practices.
It is evident that social studies are increasingly becoming endangered. The situation raises concern form affected parties. As such, a call for attention from the public and state government is significant. This is undertaken through rallies and discussions in an effort to improve social education and increase awareness.
Notwithstanding, improve the credential standard for teachers in the subject and come up with strategies that support potential scholars in elementary and secondary school. Finally, endeavour to develop authentic testing for social studies at the elementary level (Passe 2006).

- The elementary school teachers incorporate in the curriculum the subject
- More learning incorporating the geographical and historical perspective of the subject
- Application of social sciences to the society
- Produces various individuals with diverse skills and knowledge, and teachers and specialists in the subject (social sciences)
- Specialists contribute immensely through research and development as well as literal contribution.
Grant, S. G. (2001). Teachers, tests, and tensions: Teachers respond to the New York slate ginbiil history exam. Iiilcnialional Social Sliidics Foniiii I (2), 107-125.
National Council for the Social Studies (nd). National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies: Introduction. Web.
Passe, J. (2006). New Challenges in Elementary Social Studies. New York: Heldref Publications.