Navigating Legal Boundaries: Job Interview Do’s and Don’ts

Job Interview

Employers might be constrained by the law and are required to follow specific criteria while interviewing prospective workers, notwithstanding their desire to pick the finest candidates.

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For instance, businesses are not permitted to discriminate against job applicants based on their age, race, gender, or national origin under the 1964 Civil Rights Act (Williams, 2019). This implies that they are unable to inquire about these topics in an interview. Additionally, companies are forbidden from discriminating against job applicants based on a medical condition or impairment under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) (Williams, 2019). As a result, unless it is directly relevant to employment requirements, a hiring manager cannot inquire about a candidate’s health. Finally, as per the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, employers cannot discriminate against job applicants based on their religion (Hughes, 2020). Employers cannot inquire about their religious beliefs, practices, or affiliations.

I have encountered some of these prejudiced questions throughout my many interviews. I remember being questioned about my plans to have children during an interview. I felt awkward since the interviewer seemed to be attempting to determine whether I would be taking a leave soon. Another time, I was asked at an interview about my ethnicity and birthplace. Although I replied to the inquiry, I realized it was not the right decision. These encounters have made me realize how crucial it is for job seekers to be aware of their rights. The verse for the week, James 2, teaches us about the sin of partiality.


It serves as a reminder that individuals should not treat others unfairly or show favoritism based on their looks, social standing, or background (Bible, n.d.). Job applicants must keep in mind that, according to God, all persons are created equally and need to be treated as such by employers.


Bible. (n.d.). James 2. New International Version. Web.

Hughes, C. (2020). Implementation strategies for improving diversity in organizations. IGI Global.

Williams, C. (2019). MGMT11: Principles of Management (11th ed.). Cengage.

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StudyCorgi. "Navigating Legal Boundaries: Job Interview Do’s and Don’ts." June 11, 2024.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "Navigating Legal Boundaries: Job Interview Do’s and Don’ts." June 11, 2024.

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