Newborn Screening Program – Blood Spot Collection

Taking care of newborns is always challenging since infants are especially vulnerable during the first moments of their life. Moreover, children’s health remains fragile even when they grow up and start another stage of their development. Watching the videos made me feel the responsibility that nurses and other medical specialists have when working with children. Indeed, much depends on how carefully a nurse examines an infant and how fast his or her reaction is when any abnormalities are detected. Moreover, the videos allowed me to understand that even if an infant is born healthy, certain risks remain at an older age, and regular examination is essential to ensure the normal development of a child.

In the future, I will try to apply all the knowledge obtained from these videos in clinical settings. For example, I will carefully follow the recommendations on the safety of the blood drawing procedure, demonstrated in the video about newborn screening (Wadsworth Center, 2016). I will also pay special attention to the vital signs of a newborn, as they allow understanding if any of the health abnormalities are likely to occur. Finally, knowing the typical risks that may take place at a certain age, I will be able to identify the signs of normal growth and development in a child. For example, since an infant remains especially vulnerable during the first several years of life, special attention should be paid to the regular examination of a child. In general, the information I learned this week allowed me to understand the essential role of a nurse in ensuring infants’ and children’s well-being. However, it seems difficult to remember all the guidelines and recommendations, especially when treating new fragile lives. Therefore, I hope that further practice would allow me to become more confident in taking care of children patients.


Wadsworth Center. (2016). Newborn Screening Program – Blood Spot Collection. YouTube.

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