Nobel Prizes in Different Spheres

J.J. Thomson, Albert Einstein, William Butler Yeats, Stanley Prusiner, and Amartya Sen… Do you know what unites all these people? What do you know about these people and their achievements? All of them have only one thing in common: in due time, they were awarded the Nobel Prizes in different spheres such as Physics, Literature, Chemistry, Peace, Economics, and Medicine.

The Nobel Prize is one of the most popular awards in the world. Though there are only six spheres, the representatives of different spheres would like to observe the results and achievements.

  • Nobel Prizes in Physics
    • The selection process for this prize is one of the longest and rigorous. Nominates have to pass several stages to get the right and be nominated. This science develops considerably, and to be a worthwhile part of this sphere, it is necessary to do something amazing.
  • Nobel Prizes in Chemistry
    • The founder of the Prize, Alfred Nobel, was a great chemist. This is why it is not a surprise that chemistry was one of the first clearly defined spheres for the award.
  • Nobel Prizes in Peace
    • This sphere was the last one defined by Nobel. And he did not have time to explain his choice. This is why the requirements to be met by candidates vary from time to time.
  • Nobel Prizes in Literature
    • Literature is the sphere that makes people kinder and human. The ideal direction of a literary work is the main principle during the process of selection.
  • Nobel Prizes in Medicine and Psychology
    • Nobel established this prize because of personal interests in experimental psychology. This award helps to define the most significant achievements.
  • Nobel Prizes in Economics
    • It is the only unoriginal award. Nobel did not suggest this prize to be announced. Only in 1968, the Sveriges Riksbank proposed to award people in the sphere of economics.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, February 4). Nobel Prizes in Different Spheres.

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