Nottingham’s TAO Study: Insights into Art Organization and Community Engagement

Executive Summary

The art business contributes very much to the development of the country because of its adherence to diversity, non-profit nature, and role in nurturing the various talents. This is because the organization offers many services for prospective consumers to choose from. Indeed, the art organization (TAO) is well known in Nottingham for providing facilities such as the artists’ zones, tea bar, studios, and events space, and many others offering a number of services. This research would employ qualitative and quantitative aspects of collecting and analyzing the data. In addition, the design for carrying out the survey would be done in a way that makes the survey easy and achieves its principal goals. For this study, the researcher used different methodologies, particularly purposive sampling and surveys respectively to collect the research information. The research is important because it justifies the existence of the organization and its activities.


The variations of the organizational activities are critical to its advancement. Mostly, when the organization provides different facilities, it opens the way for public participation and the development of talents. This research intends to discover the facilities and events that the art organization of Nottingham provides to the public. In addition, this study will examine qualitative and quantitative methodologies, for example, purposive sampling and surveys in collecting and analyzing the information. Moreover, the research would rely on an objective design in carrying out sampling and surveys. This would be done in a particular manner that simplifies the stud. The research would also tend to justify the existence of the organization and its activities. After this justification, the paper discusses the relevant data that would be significant for the study, its acquisition, and analysis. This would be followed by the discussion of the way these data would be presented in the final work. The other important things to be evaluated are the major contribution of this research to the body of knowledge related to the art business

The Organisation Chosen

This research intends to evaluate the importance and relevance of a very dominant organization in Nottingham called the art organization (TAO). The organization was started in 2007 and is situated along the station street. The dominant gallery is on building number 21 and contains three arcades and other facilities including the artists’ zones, tea bar, studios, and events space. All these facilities were opened in 2007 for the public. In order to increase the scope of the organization, it opened another building in 2009, at 3-9 to enhance the creative industries in the country.

In addition, the creation of more offices, workshop space, and studios in the organization was aimed at enhancing its capacity to promote social venture and other business training to the public. The organization also has enough space for doing music rehearsal and the management of each of its premises is done in an independent manner so as to ensure accountability.

The Research Question and Motivation

For this research, the question that will be of significant interest and the one that the study would be based on is; what is the justification for the existence of the art organization (TAO)? Notably, the existence of an organization is only justified to the level it satisfies the interest of the public and to the level of its efficiency. As well, its accommodation for a number of events could also justify its existence. Therefore, doing an analysis of the rationalization of the existence of the organization is a motivating issue. As well, it makes this question interesting and relevant to the study of art business because this venture involves a lot of events.

Sometimes, an organization might exist in name, but not in practice. This makes it irrelevant to the needs of the people who require its services for their well being. This should not be the case of art businesses, which have to involve a lot of creativity, accommodate different activities and facilities for the satisfaction of the consumers’ demands. However, in the case of this organization, it exists to provide services that benefit the entire country, by appreciating and embracing diversity.

Research Plan/Design

Since this was qualitative and quantitative research, the design for carrying out the investigation was done in such a way that it made the study easy and able to establish its primary goals. The study was to determine the collective effects of various activities that the organization does, and the factors that might limit the participation of the parties involved. Also, the design was tailored to find out the approach that the departmental managers used to execute the administrative duties in trying to eliminate possible stress that the facility users might experience during their performance or acquisition of services in the organization. Still, on the study design, the researcher had to equip him/herself with the knowledge about the organization and the exceptional features that he/she was likely to encounter while conducting the study about the particular topic.

Particularly, the researcher had to pay attention to the topic and the organization, particularly based on its situation so that he/she could suggest and use specific methodologies, which were appropriate for getting better results through adopting the most reliable approach of encountering the management loopholes detected in the organization. As a result, the researcher in this study used ethnography as the fundamental research design in carrying out the study about the relevance and justification of the existence of TAO.


Here, the researcher used both qualitative and quantitative methodologies to collect the research information. One of the qualitative methodologies used was purposive sampling. The researcher settled for purposive sampling because of its suitability for this particular study. Furthermore, this type of sampling was preferred because it enhanced the objectivity of the study, thus making it brings reality about the issues related to the organization and reliable for subsequent studies. The researcher sampled the participants without discrimination so that the data obtained, would reflect the reality and answer the research question. The sampled population went through a series of interviews and answered questions related to their opinion and justification for the existence of the art organization (TAO). Second, they were interviewed about their analysis of the impacts of various activities that the organization performs, and the factors that might limit the participation of the parties involved.

On the other hand, quantitative research will also be conducted in collecting large-scale numerical data. The researcher would employ survey as one of the methods of collecting and later analysis of data

Relevant Data Discussion

The qualitative and quantitative data that will be collected would be those relevant to the study question. The qualitative data that will be collected include the people’s views and beliefs about the organization and its range of services. On the other hand, the quantitative data that will be collected include the number of services the organization offers, the number of events undertaken either daily, weekly, monthly, or annually. The events and customer attitude towards the services could also be numerically tabulated based on other variables such as sex, religion, age group, and social status among others.

The data will be collected using the two identified methods, which are purposive sampling and survey. These methods of data collection were preferred because they are cheap to execute and can reach a large number of participants. For instance, when the survey papers containing the questions are uploaded online, they will reach as many respondents as possible due to a large number of internet users of the internet around the globe. Since the respondents will fill the forms without intimidation or being forced, the responses will be greatly significant as they will reflect the person’s inner feelings about the particular questions. Similarly, purposive sampling would be very useful since only the people considered to be endowed with appropriate information and ideas about the matter being investigated.

Presentation of Data and Findings

The final qualitative and quantitative data and findings will be presented depending on the type and nature of the data. The visual enhancement will be used in articulating the analyzed data. Primarily, the qualitative and quantitative data will be presented on table forms or as PowerPoint slides. In addition, the numerical data will be presented using visual enhancing methods such as pie charts, bar graphs, line graphs among other methods. Besides, such methods also aid understanding especially for the person going through the presentation for the first time. Furthermore, the data presented using pie charts, bar graphs, line graphs, and excel sheets facilitates comparison and manipulation/editing of the data. Depending on the complexity of the data, the method of presentation will vary to enhance clarity as will be deemed important and useful for the users. For other data that need visual enhancement, the researcher would be forced to use projectors in presenting the findings to the audience.

Significance of the Study

Literally, the study will contribute to the current body of knowledge in the art business in many ways, thus the research is very significant. Due to the contribution of the organization to society and its non-profit nature, a study that would justify its existence and activities is definitely significant. The study would also contribute to the body of knowledge in the art business because it will evaluate the impacts of different activities, which the organization performs on the community.

In addition, the study will be seen as imperative for the reason that it will investigate the factors that might bar the participation of the parties working in the organization. This is vital because a concise understanding of the factors inhibiting the operations in the organization will allow the researcher to propose changes in the operationalization. The research would also be significant because provide a means of testing the approaches and models used as well as the hypothesis.

Drawing pleasure and economic satisfaction in the organizational projects initiated is always important despite the different groups manning the various departments of the entity. In this case, the various habits that the people serving in different parts of the organization may show towards their duty could satisfy the individual and the public psychologically and emotionally. For example, assuming that the concept of saving money is practical apart from venturing part of this act in either department of the organization, one would expect that the practice would be so unilateral across all the departments, yet this may not be the case. The purchase of the fuel to be utilized may take a lot of money at the end of the day.

Regarding this issue, the fuel is saved and the body is made more active by doing exercise during walking. Burning this fuel on daily basis may not be environmentally friendly and even not cost-effective. Using other sources of energy for sometimes, even for a week, can determine how much one can save. Solar being renewable energy is readily available once the solar panels are installed. This project is viable in such a circumstance. This is similar to the non-profitability nature of the art organization, where its main concern would be to make sure that one actually does those things he/she is capable of doing without force, thus enhancing his knowledge.

Another field project that the art organization can enhance a sustainable community is the use of friendly items. For instance, in utilizing their space in the organization the artists can use plastics to make refined artwork which can be sold highly. Discovering the importance of such engagements to the whole societal spectrum could make the study contribute to the overall development, thus making it very significant. Since the plastics as not able to decompose easily, they can be recycled in this venture in order to obtain a model. This helps in the waste management process in the environment enhances creativity and innovation, thus it makes life sustainable and meaningful. The organization promotes sustainability through advocating for direct usage and re-use of free and safe materials like plastics also helps in a great way and doing research to ascertain this aspect contributes to the significance of the study. The study about the non-impact organizational projects, which are also very instrumental includes limiting our spending level and are very essential in contributing to the general development in the community. In general, this makes the research contribute significantly to the art business.


In summary, one realizes that the extent to which the organization accepts diversity defines its destiny and contribution to the community. In this study, the researcher used both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, particularly purposive sampling and surveys respectively to collect the research information. In reality, the design will be customized to help the researcher find out the approaches that the departmental personnel would use to execute the management of the various sections. This will be useful in trying to eliminate potential anxiety that the users of various facilities of the organization, might experience during their acquisition and use of services in the entity. Considering the study design, the researcher will have to prepare him/herself to understand the organization prior to the real study. Finally, the outstanding features that he/she will be likely to encounter while doing the research on the particular issue will play an integral part in justifying the importance of the organization.


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