Nurse Manager Engagement: Concept Analysis and Practical Impact

Nowadays, nurses play an important role in the healthcare segment, as they assess the patient’s health and propose appropriate interventions (Sellman, 2011). This profession is challenging since the nurses have to consider theoretical knowledge, environmental support, patient’s conditions, and expectations simultaneously (Mason-Whitehead, McIntosh-Scott, Bryan, & Mason, 2008; Chambers & Ryder, 2016).

At the same time, the nurses have to ensure the safety and privacy of the patients. Despite the significance of autonomy in decision-making, the nurse manager engages the nurses in the working processes and affect their retention, commitment, and productivity (Gray, 2011). Consequently, it is critical to define the key components of the nurse manager and his/her contribution to the functioning of the hospital.

Thus, based on the aspects highlighted above, the critical goal of this assessment is to facilitate the understanding of the concept analysis and its core principles. The textbook used in the classroom identified the methods of analysis and steps of the process. Therefore, paramount importance has to be focused on the reflection of the theoretical framework of the concept in the article Nurse Manager Engagement: A Concept Analysis by Gray. In the end, the practical implications are identified, and conclusions are drawn to summarize the major findings.

Methods of Analysis

As it was mentioned earlier, the critical objective of the paper is to understand the described principles by employing concept analysis. Initially, it could be said that the original term implies that the purpose of this methodology is to clarify and identify the definitions of the selected concept (Barker & DeNisco, 2016; McEven & Wills, 2014). Initially, it consists of eight steps and implies using various models of case studies as an exemplar of the concept (Barker & DeNisco, 2016). Thus, it is one of the critical methodologies applied in the research is to develop a particular concept and enhance its understanding among the readers.

As for the application of this method and strategy in the selected article, it remains evident that the publications add insights to the initial concept of the nurse manager’s engagement (Gray, 2012). Thus, at the same time, the author of the article wanted to reveal the drawbacks of the described principle and suggest the potential steps for future research (Gray, 2012). In this case, one can see that the intentions of the theoretical description and the method stated in the article are similar. Nonetheless, the research conducted and published by Gray pertains to the future of this topic and suggests areas and terms, which have to be redefined.

Steps of the Process

As for the steps, originally, they focus on defining referents and attributes and outlining consequences and antecedents (Barker & DeNisco, 2016). At the same time, this methodology has to have a well-defined realm (Barker & DeNisco, 2016). In this case, this procedure assists in identifying critical and pivotal segments of the process. This approach helps see the concept from dissimilar viewpoints and depict the details and complexity.

In the context of the article, the author clearly states the steps, which will be addressed. The first phases imply selecting, analyzing the aim, and highlighting the applications of the concept (Gray, 2012). In this instance, the chosen concept is ‘engagement’, and the objective is to see the impact of the discernibility of the nurse manager on productivity and engagement. Thus, the goal of the engagement to ensure the connection between the top management and the employees (Gray, 2012). In turn, the realm included “CINAHL, MEDLINE, ABI-INFORM, PsycINFO, and Ovid databases” to provide the relevant findings of the literature review (Gray, 2012, p. 193).

Simultaneously, the author does not underestimate the significance of the attributes and highlights the behavioral, rational, and emotional elements of the concept (Gray, 2012). As for the consequences and antecedents, the evaluation of organizational culture is a well-defined antecedent (Gray, 2012). Alas, the analysis of the case studies and statistics did not assist in defining the critical outcomes of the visibility of the nurse manager.

At the same time, the author refers to the model, contrary, and borderline cases for comparison. In this case, the model study portrays the image of an ideal leader, who has the qualities depicted in the literature (Gray, 2012). Thus, the contrary persona as opposed to model one to shows the negative perception of the person. The borderline one has the majority of the attributes, but his/her characteristics are not idealized as in the model one. Based on the factors highlighted above, it could be said that the majority of information is acquired from the literature review, and empirical referents are also absent (Gray, 2012). A combination of these aspects could be viewed as the primary rationale for the author’s suggestions of measurements for future research.

Practical Application of the Concept

Even though the definitions and empirical referents are vague, the concept of engagement and visibility has a reflection in real life. Originally, I have selected this theory because of the critical importance of the nurse manager in the organization of the hospital and the structure of the organization. I highly support the opinion of the author that the initial duty of this profession is perceiving as “gluing” the medical institution together (Gray, 2012, p. 194).

In my nursing experience, I have seen that the ability of the leader to define the goals and motivate the subordinate nurse to work helped improve productivity. At the same time, it minimized the level of panic and made the decision-making more rationale and efficient. Taking care of emergency and trauma might be a reason for the development of chaos. Thus, a skilled manager can optimize the working processes and ensure the high quality of the provided services. In this case, offering detailed information about the metrics to improve the visibility and engagement of the leader will assist in enhancing the evidence-based practices and prioritize patient-centered care.


In the end, this assessment helped reveal the well-designed structure of the concept analysis of the method. Following the steps establishes a clear framework of actions, which help attain a profound understanding of the principle. In the context of the presented study, it was revealed that there is a connection between the leader’s visibility and employee engagement.

The author utilized the literature review to support the findings, as no other sources of evidence were present. Lacking the empirical referents and designing the case examples based on the literature review highlighted that the current concept of visibility and engagement does not have a clear definition. However, on the contrary, the practical example from my nursing experience revealed that the described phenomenon has a reflection in real life. Based on these factors, it could be said that the author’s proposal of suitable metrics is rational, as it will enhance the effectiveness of this approach in the future.


Barker, A., & DeNisco, S. (2016). Advanced practice nursing: Essential knowledge for the profession. Boston, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

Chambers, C., & Ryder, E. (2016). Compassion and caring in nursing. Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis Group.

Gray, L. (2012). Nurse management engagement: A concept analysis. Nursing Forum, 47(3), 193-199.

Mason-Whitehead, E., McIntosh-Scott, A., Bryan, A., & Mason, T. (2008). Key concepts in nursing. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications Ltd.

McEven, M., & Wills, E. (2014). Theoretical basis for nursing. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott & Wilkins.

Sellman, D. (2011). What makes a good nurse: Why the virtues are important for nurses. London, UK: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

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