Nurse-Physician Conflicts: Barriers and Strategies for Improvement

Defining a Conflict Area in Advanced Practice Leadership: Background and Evidence

Various sources can raise many conflicts in the medical industry. As a veteran nurse with ten years of experience in the emergency room, I have encountered many misunderstandings and interpersonal issues affecting healthcare practice. One significant area subjected to the problem is nurse-physician collaboration because of differences in knowledge and education.

Moreover, conflicts may arise due to the generation gap, role boundaries, and communication issues (Hill et al., 2018). As a nurse, I have experienced this negative side of the profession as the Doctor of General Practice was not competent about patients. I could not exceed my curative power, and the problem increased the chances of conflict between me and the healthcare professional.

Many integrated parties are suffering as workers may experience burnout, and patients might lose their trust in professionals. The general level of satisfaction with the country’s medicines and specific centers, in this case, is decreasing. Therefore, this paper aims to show the main barriers that create the conflict and provide real-life examples. Additionally, it will elaborate on the Thomas-Kilmann Instrument model in more depth to reflect on personal experience and avoid the problem of repetition in the future.

Barriers to Conflict Resolution: Impact on Quality Outcomes and Care


Several barriers contribute to the occurrence of miscommunication and negativity. The industry’s hierarchical structure is the leading cause, as the working environment lacks mutual respect. Physicians usually occupy higher positions, which might make nurses undervalued when asked to do the dirty work. The problem is closely related to ER nursing as there might need more time to save a patient’s life, and the assistance rarely remains noticed and grateful (Grace & VanHeuvelen, 2019). Nurses’ support is massive, and downplaying the profession’s importance from colleagues creates gaps in personal interactions.

Role Perception

Another barrier to the problem can be related to the differences in role perception. Even though nurses and doctors are taught to follow their responsibilities according to governmental rules, some regulations might be set inside medical centers to differentiate and improve patients’ impressions. Therefore, the spread of tasks, in this case, might be ruined, increasing poor communication between nurses and physicians. Differences in perspectives on the roles and expectations can lead to frustration, role ambiguity, and decreased motivation.

Impact of Barriers

These two main barriers impact the quality and outcomes of medical performance. High-stress levels can cause an increasing turnover among nurses, as many may want to quit and change their sphere of work. Furthermore, the issues can slow down the decision-making process and patient management. The quality of services decreases, and patients stop trusting experts as some symptoms might need to be addressed or detected. In my personal experience, poor communication between emergency room doctors and nurses stops sufferers and their families from asking for emergent help and looking for other healthcare institutions.

Personal Conflict Response Using the Thomas-Kilmann Instrument (TKI): Reflection and Example

After reviewing the Thomas-Kilmann Instrument model, I have realized the importance of conflict resolution and open dialogues with others. Although the model is commonly used in the business sector, it is applicable to the healthcare industry as it is closely related to communication with people from different backgrounds (Koley & Rao, 2018). The TKI assesses behavior in conflict situations and allows individuals to take some time to think about their responses based on their knowledge, skills, and goals.

I find myself as an ‘avoiding’ type of person in the conflict. This reaction mode makes me avoid negative communication and stay in harmony with colleagues. It is essential while working in the emergency room, as during disagreements with physicians, I avoided confrontations and paid more attention to the patient’s treatment rather than interpersonal issues. The ‘avoiding’ type is more related to the uncooperative environment, and, while cooperative, it is only sometimes familiar to the concept demonstrated in the TKI model (Koley & Rao, 2018). In my experience, this tool of the Thomas-Kilmann Instrument has been utilized effectively when the doctor was not in a mood during a serious operation and was shouting at other workers. During the process, I preferred to hide my concerns about the professional attitude to ensure a positive result. Therefore, the conflict was not raised, and the operation finished successfully.

Selecting the Optimal TKI Reaction Mode for Conflict Resolution in Advanced Practice

To improve the outcomes of nurse-physician cooperation and communication, it is essential to introduce another tool of the TKI model that can support the process. ‘Collaborating’ is a standard reaction mode that is both assertive and cooperative (Koley & Rao, 2018). This method can be the most effective response to conflicts as it promotes open communication with physicians and quicker decision-making. For instance, if a disagreement is faced, a ‘collaborative’ approach may help me to show my observations more accurately and encourage dialogue to achieve mutual understanding and provide a working treatment plan. Nurses and physicians should have daily briefings to resolve the problem of conflict development. In individual collaboration, people should work with their colleagues to find a way to satisfy both sides’ concerns. The process consists of finding the core issues and applying alternative solutions to receive a positive outcome.

The tool is appropriate for problem resolution as it is assertive and cooperative, making the goal-achieving process more precise. In this case, the effect of the hierarchical structure can be decreased in the medical sphere, and workers may start understanding their roles and responsibilities more deeply. Moreover, avoiding excess authority can be achieved using the ‘collaborative’ tool of the TKI model.

Applying Conflict Resolution Strategies as an Advanced Practice Leader: Insights and Future Application

Learning about different reaction modes has become essential for my professional growth, as making quick decisions in emergency nursing and cooperating effectively with physicians is imperative. As a practice leader, understanding my response to conflicts is crucial as it is a significant step in understanding the communication process with colleagues. I learned that avoiding problems is not always a beneficial strategy, and I should use a more assertive stance when it is necessary to know more about the mood of surrounding people. I plan to improve my collaboration with people in nursing to stay more open to new practices and connections. Furthermore, I will try to promote respect in the workplace to ensure that every party is treated correctly in the collaboration between nurses and doctors.

By reflecting on the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument, I have realized that there is no specific approach to resolving conflicts in the emergency room practice, and it is important to apply different strategies to change and improve the quality of outcomes. Every healthcare situation is unique and requires a customized approach to the solution. Therefore, nurses have to stay flexible and adjust to new environments and the requirements of physicians.

The nurse-physician conflict is one of the most severe issues in healthcare, affecting patients’ well-being and experience. The barriers to the conflict are related to the medical hierarchy and lack of open communication practice. The problem is also connected to issues of mutual respect and the poor spread of responsibilities. While my reaction mode is more about the ‘avoiding’ type, the ‘collaborating’ style can be more appropriate to the emergency room practice. As an advanced practitioner with ten years of experience, understanding and applying my conflict response can influence the cooperation with doctors and other nurses in a better way. Consequently, the patient’s outcomes can be improved significantly in this case.

In conclusion, many medical departments promote stressful environments where worker conflicts can develop. Problems in communication are the key influencers, and by understanding the gaps and barriers, relevant solutions can be applied. The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Model Instrument provides a valuable framework for individuals to respond to conflicts using different techniques.

To receive the best outcomes, assertive and cooperative methods should be used. By reflecting on diverse conflict modes, it becomes clearer what changes should be applied to improve the working environment and meet the needs of patients. Collaboration can promote team development and transform challenges into opportunities. Therefore, using effective strategies can develop a more harmonious and productive healthcare atmosphere to boost patients’ experience and the quality of care.


Grace, M. K., & VanHeuvelen, J. S. (2019). Occupational variation in burnout among medical staff: Evidence for the stress of higher status. Social Science & Medicine, 232, 199-208. Web.

Hill, M. R., Goicochea, S., & Merlo, L. J. (2018). In their own words: Stressors facing medical students in the millennial generation. Medical Education Online, 23(1). Web.

Koley, G., & Rao, S. (2018). Adaptive human-agent multi-issue bilateral negotiation using the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument. IEEE Xplore, 1-5. Web.

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