Nursing Education and Treatment Outcomes

The connection between the education of BSN-prepared nurses and improved patient outcomes can be explained not only by the advanced writing skills and critical thinking of professionals but also by the long-term effects of their activity. In the first place, they are related to lower readmission rates in the facilities where they work and shorter hospital stays for the people admitted to these hospitals (O’Brien et al., 2018). These scores are complemented by the decrease in mortality within 30 days from the moment of admission regardless of the conditions, which are to be treated by these nurses (O’Brien et al., 2018). As a result, patient satisfaction is higher, the probability of complications is much lower, and the quality of rendered services is unaffected by any external circumstances (O’Brien et al., 2018). Hence, the presence of these specialists in medical facilities is advantageous for all the aspects of their functioning, and the performed operations are more efficient.

In turn, the differences in the patient population are better addressed by BSN nurses in contrast to the outcomes of employees of lower qualifications. The former is characterized by improved cultural competence, which is especially essential in critical situations, such as the provision of end-of-life care. The diversity of their patients does not prevent these workers from considering their desires in a timely manner (Cheshire & Strickland, 2018). Moreover, BSN-prepared nursing personnel possesses better skills in the area of cultural assessment, which allow them to anticipate the needs of people stemming from the traditions of their population group (Cheshire & Strickland, 2018). Thus, the involvement of these specialists in the operations of hospitals contributes to the promotion of an individualized approach to providing healthcare services.


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O’Brien, D., Knowlton, M., & Whichello, R. (2018). Attention health care leaders: Literature review deems baccalaureate nurses improve patient outcomes. Nursing Education Perspectives, 39(4), E2-E6. Web.

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