Nursing Metaparadigm and Caring Science

A comprehensive framework to care is provided by the nursing metaparadigm, which is a collection of ideas and claims describing the events that nursing involves. The notion behind the metaparadigm may provide nurses with a valuable framework for responding to typically structured interviews or outlining their objectives and beliefs in job descriptions when searching for positions.

  • The patient, their relatives, and friends make up the personal section of the metaparadigm. The human component considers the patient’s psychological, emotional, and relational demands in addition to their physical requirements. Thanks to this, the nurse may see the patient as more than merely the totality of their health information.
  • In simple terms, whatever has the potential to affect a patient’s health and welfare can be present in their environment. The metaparadigm’s ecological element centers on the patient’s environment, which encompasses their psychological and social backgrounds and physical settings.
  • The health component relates to a person’s position when they engage with a nurse on the healthcare spectrum. Nonetheless, the general health spectrum shows how a patient’s wellness and health evolve throughout their lifespan. Neuman contends that optimal well-being exists when system requirements are satisfied (TK & Chandran, 2017). Illness exists when needs are unmet, and death happens when the energy required to sustain life is unavailable.
  • The metaparadigm’s nursing aspect considers what was learned in class, on the job, and anywhere else. The nursing aspect indicates one’s nursing abilities and the expertise required to perform the tasks and obligations related to client treatment, from concept and application to cooperation and interaction (Kitson, 2018).

As mentioned by others, there is more to the environment that influences human living. The clinical practice offers expertise in theory as well as research topics. Since strong institutional constraints and traditions frequently constrain nurses, any paradigm that motivates nurses to consider, inquire about, and analyze what they do is incredibly helpful.


Kitson, A. L. (2018). The Fundamentals of Care Framework as a point-of-care nursing theory. Nursing Research, 67(2), 99–107.

TK, A., & Chandran, S. (2017). Betty Neuman: Systems theory. Application of Nursing Theories, 87–87.

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