Nursing Metaparadigm for Reducing Pressure Ulcers Patient Falls

Research Problem

One of the challenges encountered during practice involves increased patient health complications due to falls in the institutions. The issue poses a prominent risk to the quality of care since it is attributed to longer hospital stays and increased re-hospitalization cases. As a nurse, the core obligation is to protect the patients’ lives and ensure access to competent patient care. However, the increase in patient falls causes injuries among the counterparts, thus affecting the customer satisfaction index and the institution’s reputation (Park et al., 2019). As a result, the management, investors, and clients put optimal pressure on medical practitioners to implement approaches to alleviate the issue. Ethically, it is the responsibility of medical practitioners to implement approaches that improve proficiency in the service delivery system.

Research Questions

Different theoretical perspectives pose distinct approaches to improving the quality of care. Education intervention is one of the insights that affirm the nursing profession’s importance (Montejano-Lozoya et al., 2020). According to research, relationship-building among nurses and patients is vital to the service delivery system (Park et al., 2019). Patients’ recovery takes prominence in the professional nursing experience. The efficacy level of ethical obligations in nursing relies on the critical evaluation of the issue. Primarily, it is the responsibility of medical practitioners to establish the interdependence between ethical responsibility quotients and quality patient care.


Patient fall is a significant threat to patient’s health and safety due to the exposure to profound risks of complications. The study’s distinctive results portray that implementing the training program contributes to reduced patient falls. Patient falls are issues mainly caused by poor professional conduct and coordination between clients and practitioners. In this case, one of the major outcomes regards improved healthcare quality and reduced hospital stays due to patient falls. It is crucial to participate in developing a training program for physicians to alleviate the issue (Montejano-Lozoya et al., 2020). Pressure ulcers highly affect skin sensitivity and vulnerability. Therefore, alleviating patient fall incidences contributes towards competent professional conduct among nurses during medical care and maintaining standard hygienic practices.

Review of Literature

Patient falls profoundly endanger recovery effectiveness among pressure ulcer victims. Montejano-Lozoya et al. (2020) articulate that the variable factor entails the level of awareness among the counterparts. An elevated enlightenment quotient among practitioners and patients on patient fall risks renders a profound positive effect. It is aptly evident from the findings that fewer intervention group members experienced patient falls, contrary to the control teammates. Thus, education ensures that nurses acquire knowledge and skills to identify risk factors, identify dangers, and apply this knowledge in healthcare settings. The project focuses on aspects that facilitate the achievement of the objectives set mainly to alleviate the core challenge among medical practitioners.

Patient falls render an optimal threat to individuals under long-term care in hospitals. In this case, Park et al. (2019) indicate that the fringe patient falls prevention program is the solution. The main reason regards the creation of awareness among the patients and the practitioners. As a result, the education intervention fosters a consistent practice of preventing patient falls adversity. Therefore, the fringe patient fall prevention program is essential for enhancing competent healthcare quality.

Evidence-Based Strategy

Education intervention is an effective evidence-based strategy for enhancing awareness levels among patients and practitioners. Park et al. (2019) argue that the campaign renders a long-term positively-oriented outcome for the counterparts. The main reason is the consistent and persistent use of the attained knowledge to engage in practices preventing patient falls (Montejano-Lozoya et al., 2020). In a different aspect, the education initiative regards a training program for the nurses to boost their skills and proficiency in handling the issue. Apt coordination among all stakeholders in the strategizing and implementing of the framework fosters a profound trickle-down effect of accrued benefits in the healthcare sector.


Different philosophies constitute the nature of treatment and recovery among patients, mainly the metaparadigm of nursing. Despite promoting knowledge exchange among physicians for advanced care, it is crucial to establish measures steering the nurse-patient relationship (Montejano-Lozoya et al., 2020). The core responsibility of relevant stakeholders in the medical sector is to implement policies advocating proficiency in the service delivery system. The empowerment among therapists boosts comprehension of methodologies to curb side effects while justifying the dynamic human behavioral quotient.


Quality medical care services are essential for patients’ and practitioners’ professionalism, especially in preventing patient falls. Different theories establish the core interdependent relationship between better health and living practices. Montejano-Lozoya et al. (2020) argue that the dynamic theories of nursing and care focus on improving the living quotient among patients. The researchers compare the human caring approach and the metaparadigm of nursing (Montejano-Lozoya et al., 2020). The outcome demonstrates that healing among patients involves an interplay of three major elements: person, health, and environment. Healing is a mini-concept, and it is crucial to utilize different approaches to enhance effective treatment and recovery among personnel.


The implementation of an education intervention program aims to ensure a reduction in patient falls in hospitals. In this case, the measure using the questionnaire involves recording the varying efficiency and noting a decline in the cases. The key variables in advocacy for effective prevention of patient falls include indicating profound assessment criteria determining the frequency change during the implementation of the training program. The main goal enshrines demonstrating optimal awareness among patients and practitioners and proficiency and commitment. The patient-centered solution renders optimal positive effects based on reduced costs and length of stays among the victims due to reduced incidences. Therefore, the distinctive evaluation parameters underpin a comprehension of the dynamic intervention strategies. The follow-up initiative will be conducted after six months of implementing the program to determine the effectiveness level.

Communication Methods

The dissemination of the information will encompass the presentation of a training program for the nurses and an education intervention initiative for the patients. Primarily, the strategy involves visual and verbal communication to articulate the importance of patient fall prevention initiatives. The challenge causes distinctive effects within the hospital’s operations, leading to increased pain management costs among the victims and negative effects on the institution’s reputation. Therefore, it is the vital responsibility of all entities to participate in implementing the program mainframe to elevate proficiency in handling the patient-centered problem.

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StudyCorgi. (2024, February 9). Nursing Metaparadigm for Reducing Pressure Ulcers Patient Falls.

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StudyCorgi. "Nursing Metaparadigm for Reducing Pressure Ulcers Patient Falls." February 9, 2024.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "Nursing Metaparadigm for Reducing Pressure Ulcers Patient Falls." February 9, 2024.

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