The Intersection of Nursing Philosophy and Occupational Sustainability

Personal philosophy plays an important part when it comes to professional sustainability. As for such field as nursing, it involves a wide range of practices that allow specialists to achieve the following goals: Promote and protect the health of different groups of the population, mitigating the consequences of dangerous health conditions, and preventing the spread of communicable diseases (Scott, Matthews, & Kirwan, 2014). Therefore, the primary reason why this field of activity exists is the fact that health problems among the population of any country never disappear, and the work aimed at fulfilling these tasks should never be stopped as its results predetermine the health condition of future generations. About the reason why I decided to practice nursing, I suppose that entering the nursing community is the duty of every person who has a strong desire to help other people. Helping others is an important reason to live.

Continuing on the topic of personal philosophy, it is necessary to define underlying beliefs related to key aspects of nursing. As for my assumptions concerning nurses and their role, I believe that their activities may be called an arduous task because they are not supposed to possess only the knowledge related to different systems of the human body and the diseases that can give trouble to their work. Instead, they also have to be able to provide the patients with psychological support and it is not easy to fulfill all these tasks (O’Hagan et al., 2014). As for patients, I believe that their role in the outcomes of treatment is difficult to be overestimated because their positive attitude helps healthcare specialists in their work. Speaking about my assumptions concerning other healthcare providers, I have to say that unity remains one of the key values for me and different organizations and specialists have to respect each other and use the same principles while accomplishing the primary goal. About community, I would like to state that it should be regarded as one of the most important partners for nurse because its problems always help healthcare specialists to understand which issues have to be paid increased attention to; apart from that, community predetermines needs of nurses themselves.

Different spheres are strongly interconnected with nursing. The major domains of nursing include health, person, and environment, and these domains are closely related to the particular nursing practices and activities. To begin with, the range of such practices is aimed at helping the particular person. Health remains the most significant notion connected with nursing as its level is the factor defining the importance of certain interventions. In the end, the environment is relevant to the field of nursing because various practices used in healthcare organizations allow the patients to recover and, therefore, become an effective member of the society again.

The given domains are inextricably connected as nursing practices are important for patients having health issues and they help them to be in harmony with the environment and other people. As for my vision related to the future, I suppose that there will be a need to pay more attention to interpersonal communication as the majority of technical problems will be solved. I suppose that the challenges I will face will include communication with children and elderly people having specific needs, and this fact allows me to establish one of the goals for professional development. To become a real specialist, I will need to improve my communication skills to better understand the additional needs of my patients and analyze their mental condition.


O’Hagan, S., Manias, E., Elder, C., Pill, J., Woodward-Kron, R., McNamara, T.,… & McColl, G. (2014). What counts as effective communication in nursing? Evidence from nurse educators’ and clinicians’ feedback on nurse interactions with simulated patients. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 70(6), 1344-1355.

Scott, P. A., Matthews, A., & Kirwan, M. (2014). What is nursing in the 21st century and what does the 21st century health system require of nursing? Nursing Philosophy, 15(1), 23-34.

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