Advances in New Jersey Nursing Practices

Area 1: Degree of Supervision

Before supervising and prescribing medications, a written protocol should be signed between a nurse practitioner and his or her supervisor. In particular, a certain nurse and a physician are to be specified in the protocol (“New Jersey scope,” 2018). This requirement coincides with those accepted in many other states. In other words, nurse practitioners of the state of New Jersey may diagnose and treat patients under the control of their supervisors. The periodic review of the work of a nurse is required by supervision regulations, which should ensure appropriate care and attitude towards patients. For instance, a patient’s medical records may be observed by a supervisor to reveal any inconsistencies and address them on time (“New Jersey scope,” 2018).

In my point of view, the supervision procedures are rather detailed and relevant to the current nursing environment that needs precise attention to every patient. The issue regarding the availability of a physician seems to be elaborated, so that the periods of his or her absence may be replaced by another specialist. It would allow nurse practitioners to diagnose and treat patients in collaboration with different physicians, which would contribute to their increased knowledge and skills as well as better patient health outcomes.

Area 2: Prescription Ability

In New Jersey, a nurse is expected to cooperate with the assigned physician to determine the prescription of substances. Before the above agreement, a nurse should study pharmacology associated with substances, including their impact, outcomes, and interaction with other medications (“New Jersey scope,” 2018). It is stated that a nurse should pay attention to a patient’s physical and psychological conditions before deciding on the medication to be used. The protocol concluded between a nurse practitioner and a physician should clarify whether the consultation with the latter is necessary before prescribing substances or not. More to the point, in case the consultation is required, a physician should approve the selected medication and its dosage so that a nurse would prescribe it to the particular patient.

Such a comprehensive approach ensures the application of the most relevant treatment, its proper implementation, and use by a patient to achieve the best health outcomes. Nevertheless, there are some limitations I consider confusing. The fact that a supervisor is not required to be present at the moment of evaluation seems to create bias in identifying the correct diagnosis and the subsequent treatment. Perhaps, it would be better if they were to advise a nurse practitioner during a patient’s examination.

Area 3: Nurse Practitioners as Primary Care Providers

It should also be outlined that nurse practitioners of New Jersey are regarded as primary care providers, which is defined in the state’s policy (“New Jersey scope,” 2018). Among their services to patients, there are geriatric care, family medicine, pediatric care, etc. At the same time, nurse practitioners carry out their specific abilities such as the provision of primary care and direct communication with patients. They may apply various theories, strategies, and techniques to provide health care. For instance, a patient-centered approach or the theory developed by Florence Nightingale may be noted. I was unaware that this area might also include the so-called “medical directors”. However, it seems that they should be paid similarly to physicians instead of the current system of payment per patient.


New Jersey scope of practice policy: State profile. (2018). Web.

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