Magnet Status as Treated by Healthcare Managers vs. Leaders


Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management

Magnet status has become a popular concept in the American healthcare sector. Bormann and Abrahamson (2014) acknowledge that magnet designation should not be treated as a prize by healthcare institutions. Notably, the recognition credential focuses on excellence and effectiveness in the delivery of healthcare services. Institutions that have attained the designation are usually characterized by increased levels of patient satisfaction. Such facilities portray the best mechanisms for promoting professionalism, excellence, and evidence-based practices. This paper describes how managers and leaders in nursing practice treat the issue differently.

Diverse Approaches of Leaders and Managers in Nursing to Magnet Designation

Magnet status is a standard or identification awarded by the American Nurses’ Credentialing Center (ANCC). Hospitals that have attained the status provide exemplary services, promote job satisfaction, and empower their clients. This fact explains why the gold standard continues to attract the attention of healthcare leaders and managers. Leaders and nursing managers should be part of the improvement process to ensure their medical institutions attain the status (Bormann & Abrahamson, 2014). However, these professionals will use different approaches to achieve it.

To begin with, Nurse Managers (NMs) follow specific principles and roles that can be tapped to support a given healthcare institution (McCleskey, 2014). Since an NM has a senior position in an institution, he or she can make appropriate decisions that can encourage more followers to be committed to various objectives. Every hospital planning to get the recognition will benefit significantly from the unique roles and dexterities of an NM. The manager will implement and support different changes in the institution.

NMs are expected to control most of the functions and processes in their respective hospitals. Magnet designation can be described as a powerful model that can be used by NMs to influence new changes. By doing so, the manager will channel the right ideas, make adequate appointments, implement powerful control measures, and encourage every individual to focus on continuous improvement (Martin, McCormack, Fitzsimons, & Spirig, 2014). The NM will go a step further to identify and make adequate decisions that can guide the change process. Different theories such as Kurt Lewin’s change model (freeze-change-refreeze) can be embraced by managers to sustain the intended processes (Martin et al., 2014).

Martin et al. (2014) believe strongly that managers should bring on board skilled persons and acquire adequate resources depending on the targeted organizational objectives. Managers can mentor different players using evidence-based leadership practices to make sure quality services are available to more clients. Strict policies will be presented by the manager in an attempt to promote performance. The manager will implement effective processes depending on the competencies of different stakeholders. The process will ensure the targeted hospital attains (or retains) the designation.

On the other hand, Nurse Leaders (NLs) identify different strategies in an attempt to support a hospital’s magnet status. Leadership is usually a practice aimed at mentoring, guiding, and empowering others. This is the reason why more healthcare institutions tend to have both leaders and managers. In an institution trying to retain or attain the magnet designation, every NL will be required to implement powerful initiatives that can support the process (Martin et al., 2014). Leaders should, therefore, attract the right individuals and establish new groups (or teams) depending on their respective competencies (Bormann & Abrahamson, 2014). The established teams will receive personalized instructions and engage in appropriate practices capable of improving the nature of service delivery.

Competent NLs use their skills to foster interpersonal communication and collaboration. Empowered followers acquire new competencies that encourage them to foster teamwork and engage in continuous decision-making (Silva et al., 2016). The ultimate objective should be to improve the level of patient satisfaction. At the same time, the leader will identify suitable strategies that can guide, develop, and empower both nurses and clinicians. When the level of job satisfaction increases, chances are usually high that the diverse needs of every client will be met.

A leader’s role is to guide a hospital throughout the intended journey in an attempt to attain the recognition. The individual will mentor his or her followers accordingly, make evidence-based decisions, and support the outlined ambitions. Bormann and Abrahamson (2014) indicate that NLs can promote the best leadership principles and support the health needs of various patients. NLs work tirelessly to influence the behaviors, practices, and actions of their respective followers. NLs can guide their nurses to manage time properly, address emerging problems, think critically, and embrace teamwork using evidence-based concepts (Silva et al., 2016). The leader addresses emerging challenges promptly.

An NL will identify the most appropriate short-term and long-term goals. He or she will mentor the targeted workers and make adequate decisions to support the hospital’s vision. Many leaders work together with NMs to focus on the same outcome. The manager will support the implemented change and offer resources to ensure the objectives outlined by the leader are realized promptly (Martin et al., 2014). Although the above approaches are diverse, the truth is that NLs and NMs must collaborate to achieve the same aim and make the targeted institution successful.

The Best Approach for My Professional and Personal Philosophy

I strongly believe that the approach of a nurse leader is what best supports my philosophy as a healthcare practitioner. It is agreeable that leadership is a powerful concept that should be exhibited by both clinicians and nurses (Silva et al., 2016). As a nurse, the concept of leadership can successfully support my targets and make it easier for me to focus on my clients’ needs. The first thing should be to come up with a specific vision. Every action and initiative will then be aimed at supporting the outlined outcome.

The leadership model can guide me to transform the notions and experiences of my followers. Adequate leadership dexterities can be embraced to analyze the needs of different clients and promote the best healthcare delivery models (Bormann & Abrahamson, 2014). It is necessary to develop a strategy or approach for empowering, mentoring, and guiding every caregiver. The workers will be encouraged to focus on the changing needs of their patients. These approaches can ensure my organization attains the magnet designation.

The class readings have outlined various theories that can guide leaders to achieve their objectives. A participative leadership approach can guide me to bring my followers on board, address their challenges, and focus on positive results. The model supports evidence-based concepts such as lifelong learning and effective communication (McCleskey, 2014). These initiatives echo the concepts of my philosophy as a practitioner. The style will, therefore, be used to guide others and ensure there is room for change. Consequently, my hospital will find it easier to become a magnet institution.


Bormann, L., & Abrahamson, K. (2014). Do staff nurse perceptions of nurse leadership behaviors influence staff nurse job satisfaction? The case of a hospital applying for Magnet designation. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 44(4), 219-225. Web.

Martin, J., McCormack, B., Fitzsimons, D., & Spirig, R. (2014). The importance of inspiring a shared vision. International Practice Development Journal, 4(2), 1-14.

McCleskey, J. (2014). Situational, transformational, and transactional leadership and leadership development. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, 5(4), 117-130. Web.

Silva, V., Camelo, S., Soares, M., Resck, Z., Chaves, L., Santos, F., & Leal, L. (2016). Leadership practices in hospital nursing: A self of manager nurses. Rev Esc Enferm, 207(51), 1-8.

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