Nutrition and Hydration for Young Athletes

Training is not the only issue that determines the athletes’ success. It is necessary to remember that nutrition and hydration are equally significant for every person who engages in regular physical exercises, and young individuals are not an exception. Thus, the present speech will demonstrate that adequate hydration and nutrition are of importance for young athletes since the two contribute to their improved performance and better well-being.

It is necessary to present a few arguments to justify the claim under review. Firstly, nutrition is essential for young athletes because it provides the organism with sufficient energy (Ilaria, 2018). Every young individual should draw attention to their diets, and the necessity increases when people regularly deal with physical exercise. Secondly, adequate nutrition is the source of nutrients and vitamins that contribute to normal physical development.

It denotes that a healthy diet can directly influence how fast, strong, and flexible a young athlete is. Finally, one should not neglect the significance of hydration before, during, and after training (Ilaria, 2018). This fact will ensure that the organism will not experience water deficiency, resulting in the fact that physical exercise will not harm young people’s well-being. Consequently, a person will delay the onset of fatigue and increase their physical indicators.

In conclusion, sufficient evidence has been presented to highlight the importance of adequate hydration and nutrition. Sufficient energy, vitamin intake, and improved well-being irrespective of regular physical exercise are the leading arguments for investing time and effort in keeping to a healthy diet. This information denotes that it is of significance for young athletes to follow the behavior under consideration because their organisms require sufficient resources to withstand physical load and develop.


Ilaria, S. F. (2018). The 101 on nutrition in young athletes. Stamford Health. Web.

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