Nutrition Coach Certification and Further Work

Once qualified as a nutritionist, I plan to launch my channel on social networks, where I will share basic nutritional information and offer health guidance guidelines. On this digital platform, I intend to work with the young population aged between eighteen to thirty years. More importantly, I will focus on youthful clients who are social networking influencers and sports enthusiasts. My aim would be to teach them how to adopt a balanced and wholesome diet and keep fit.

One of my key aims is to assist the above youngsters in comprehending the connection between food and eating habits, exercising, and psychological well-being. I would follow the ‘Six Steps Coaching Method’ and attentively listen to their concerns (Mathieu et al., 2019). The next step is to learn about their positive and negative objectives and assist them in choosing how to stay healthy. I shall engage with them gently, raising several questions to understand their thinking and recognize everyone’s need for transformation. After determining each customer’s nutritional status, I may create a short-term strategy to assist them in attaining their long-term objectives.

Furthermore, it would be appropriate to work backward with these clients to make sure they realize that they should be committed to changing their current lifestyles to accomplish their desired outcome. Regardless of a client’s baseline nutritional threshold estimation, I would always commence them at level one to guarantee that they fulfill these targets before moving on to the next stage. The exercise will be easy so that each customer is able to manage every assignment and feel empowered as they work towards their stated aims.

When working with people with eating problems, I will employ the strategies I gained in this training to assist me in evaluating why and how they developed this disorder. To help them in changing their dietary patterns, I would utilize the “Two Crazy Questions” as well as the “Behavior Awareness Worksheet” (Mathieu et al., 2019). If the person’s condition is critical, I may recommend them to a healthcare professional or a nutritionist. Persons with diabetes or other medical disorders, including post-surgical or cancer treatment, will not be served by me. This is because I am not competent to offer such customers dietary prescriptions. More importantly, if I believe these consumers require medical attention, I will then recommend them to a physician.


Mathieu, M., Reid, R., & King, N. (2019). Sensory profile of adults with reduced food intake and the potential roles of nutrition and physical activity interventions. Advances in Nutrition, 10(6), 1120-1125.

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