Obamacare Elimination: Article by Abelson

The article published in the New York Times addresses the possible elimination of the Affordable Care Act (A.C.A.), which means that many Americans can lose the only chance to obtain medical insurance. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to numerous economic issues, including job losses. The authors stipulate that millions of citizens will be affected in multiple ways if the Supreme Court abolishes the act.

Abelson and Goodnough (2020) emphasize that the affordability of medical insurance depends significantly on specific health issues. In case a person has any of them, the prices for a medical plan immediately soar. The Affordable Care Act seeks to subsidize such imbalances, which has allowed millions of people to get insurance. Additionally, the A.C.A. also does not allow insurance companies to retroactively cancel a policy (Abelson & Goodnough, 2020). Moreover, many Americans with opioid addiction finally managed to get substance abuse treatment through Medicaid. The A.C.A. is beneficial for hospitals as well, as it ensures additional sources of revenue.

A large number of Americans rely on health insurance that is provided by their employers. Therefore, millions of people who used to have steady incomes currently cannot afford to purchase medical insurance by themselves after losing a job amid the pandemic. Consequently, the approach to healthcare may finally be altered, as the number of people who realize the necessity of affordable medical services has increased dramatically in recent months.

The U.S. will soon enjoy a rare opportunity to review its stance on healthcare in general if the Republicans do not manage to place more conservatives on the court. The wealthiest democracy in the world is currently one of the few states that do not provide universal healthcare. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated numerous socio-economic processes in the US, which will hopefully make some policies more humane and not undermine the merits of the successful decade-long programs. Thus, the American nation now has a historical chance to turn the A.C.A. into the core of a future transformation of the entire healthcare system.


Abelson, R., & Goodnough, A. (2020). If the Supreme Court ends Obamacare, here’s what it would mean. New York Times. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Obamacare Elimination: Article by Abelson." June 6, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/obamacare-elimination-article-by-abelson/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Obamacare Elimination: Article by Abelson." June 6, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/obamacare-elimination-article-by-abelson/.

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