“One Flew over the Cuckoo´s Nest” is a story of lives within a group of people with different psychological approaches. The characters in the book are definitely with peculiarities as of their psyches and Billy Bibbit is a great example of a man with a psychiatric disorder. Ken Kesey describes this character as fully dependent on the will of his mother due to her personal intentions for domination over Billy. This character is lacking a personal position in life. Nevertheless, he builds up an “affinity for McMurphy” (Gabbard 135). Billy has problems with relationships with girls and sincerely shows such motivation toward McMurphy’s girlfriend, prostitute so that to try his best, but soon he discovers that nurse Ratched is intended to tell his mother about his bad behavior and sexual relations, in particular. From this place, in the story, the most interesting and thrilling episodes are given to show the emotional outbreak of the scene when Billy attempts to take his own life (Gabbard 135).
Nonetheless, in the book Billy is described as a silent and intelligent man. He seems like a shy boy, notwithstanding the fact that he is not a boy at all. The saddest, he is really a victim of his sorrow about unlucky marriage and the effects of such trauma in his life which fell into a stutter. This disease is concerned with psychiatric standpoints as to how to promote appropriate treatment for patients. Billy obtains in the novel a cure provided by McMurphy in order to lose his virginity with a prostitute. In fact, Billy becomes happier and really loses his stutter, but the anger of nurse Ratched was higher, and this was the climax of the novel when Billy commits suicide (Fish 20). Thus, Billy is really sick with different disorders among which stutter and panic fear of his mother are complicated with the Oedipus complex. Diagnosis is rather apt to be cured, but with taking into account the peculiarities about a patient’s psyche and personal background, particularly.
Suggested Treatment
The treatment according to Billy’s problem should be provided in time, first of all. Moreover, seeing the problems in the sexual framework it is helpful to promote psychoanalytical treatment. This approach would definitely reduce the extent of the transference neurosis in terms of a decrease of emotional excitement provided by Billy every time McMurphy jokes (Corey 36). Furthermore, the treatment should be stable and with proper analysis of a therapist of possible improvements in the state of Billy’s psyche.
One more touch is considered with the cognitive therapy. This approach toward probable treatment is outlined for people being constantly depressed, in particular. Such depression, in fact, resulted in Billy’s suicide, for he did not know how to facilitate the rage of his mother and how to live afterward being always blamed for his amoral behavior. Moreover, Billy should go through a hypnotic procedure to make all conclusions about the reasons of the disorder. According to Freud suchlike treatment is a better way to find out and destruct the roots of the illness, but with a big deal of time, of course (Winer 188). All in all, Billy disorder is a real problem due to a lack of family therapy, first of all. If only he had warm relationships with his family and mother, particularly, with more freedom to make actions and supposed decision, then he would not take his own life.
Works cited
Corey, Gerald. Case Approach to Counseling and Psychotherapy. Ed. 7. Stamford , Conn: Cengage Learning EMEA, 2008. Web.
Fish, Peter. Ken Kesey’s One flew over the cuckoo’s nest. Hauppauge, New York: Barron’s Educational Series, 1984. Web.
Gabbard, Krin. Psychiatry and the cinema. Ed. 2. Marlborough, Massachusetts: American Psychiatric Pub, 1999. Web.
Kesey, Ken. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. London: Penguin Classics, 2002. Web.
Winer, Jerome. The Annual of Psychoanalysis. Volume 28. London: Routledge, 2000. Web.