Organizational Development and the Management Process


Certainly, each organization strives to improve its effectiveness and structure. Such field of academic study as organizational development is connected with industrial processes, business strategies, human communication, and psychological issues. Regarding this, there arise many definitions of this term where one serves as a conceptual boundary for another. Still, the definitions of organizational development should primarily emphasize the concepts and theories aimed at enhancing organizational efficiency and competitiveness, including social knowledge acquisition. In additional, this discipline also studies the psychological aspects, namely, personal behavior and social setting.

The process of organizational development

In order to cognate the scope of organizational development, it is necessary to comprehend its process and factors triggering organizational changes. The organization development cycle usually begins with finding the reasons for changes. At this stage, the organization should define those who will be responsible for decision-making process. On identifying the problem, it is necessary to analyze what factors could be helpful for deciding the problem. Once assessment of opportunities and problems is carried out, it is high time for the managers to interfere with the production process in order to create change teams. Such teams should confirm the plan providing the organization with positive changes. The plan project is build according to logically organized and assessed data. In other words, this plan embodies decision-making for intervention. After completing the plan implementation, the acquired changes should be properly evaluated so that the organization could decide whether this plan was successful. Finally, decision-makers must be insured that the effects from organizational changes are positive for the organization to introduce other activities increasing its revenues (Ruoda and Kusi 1995).

Theories of organizational development

There exist numerous theories of international development, as this discipline covers many related subjects. Hence, Gallos and Schein (2006) believe that organization development process depends on narrative theory of changing that includes “mapping, problem externalization, identifying unique outcomes and story audiencing” (p. 114). In other words, this organizational development theory discloses the strategic change as platform for successful performance. Burke (2002) presents four theories of organizational change, namely, life cycle, dialectical, teleological, and evolutionary theories. The first theory refers to an organization change as to “a sequence of changes”, where the organization itself is compared with a living organism undergoing inevitable changes. Teleological theory shows that an organization has the ability to adapt to different situations, which are the reasons for change (Burke 2002 p. 147). Dialectical school of thought believes that organizational change appears due to the confrontation of two opinions. Finally, evolutionary theory compares organizational changes with a lasting evolutionary process (Burke 2002 p. 148).

Conditions for successful organizational development and change

Evidently, the main reasons for organizational change lie in the necessity to eliminate the low productivity of the company and to enhance the employees’ motivation. The managers have tried to introduce positive changes to the organizational process. They have also strived to predict what changes should be engaged in future (Burke 2002 p. 112). To do that, there is the necessity to take into consideration the field of organizational psychology as the main platform for a successful process of organizational change (Jex and Britt 2008 p. 2). Finally, organizational development is preconditioned by the present situation within the company and the way it is influenced by external factors.


Considering the above, it should be stressed that organizational development is an important academic discipline serving to improve social and psychological environment within the organization. This science is closely connected with human resource management and life cycle of the entire organization. It also shows the readiness for the changes as the marker of experience and respectability of the establishment. Additionally, organizational development requires the introduction of organizational psychology, the field that studies employees’ behavior and their legal rights within the organization (Jex and Britt 2008 p. 3). Therefore, this field of study is of significant importance for the management process, as well.

Reference List

Burke, W. W. (2002). Organization change: theory and practice. US: SAGE.

Gallos, J. V., & Schein, E. H. (2006). Organization development: a Jossey-Bass reader. US: John Willey and Sons.

Jex, S. M., & Britt, T. W. (2008). Organizational Psychology: Scientist-Practitioner Approach. US: John Willey and Sons.

Rouda, R., & Kusi, M. (1995). Organizational Development: management of change. Tappi Journal. Web.

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