Organizational Processes: Organizational Management Concepts

The program under consideration is dedicated to enhancing one’s knowledge regarding the concepts of corporate management. The most important course I have taken was change management of an organization. It is the most relevant one because it provided me with an understanding of the variety of factors that impact a business, including the external environment in which a company operates. In addition, it became evident that there is no business that can work without adjusting its processes and strategies in accordance with these alterations. On the whole, this program helped me enhance my knowledge of the business environment and also approaches that managers and executives can choose to improve the efficiency of operations and bottom line.

Also, in this program, I learned a number of concepts that are connected to organizational management. For instance, the social responsibility of companies in the global context and the issue of ethics provided an understanding of the connection between an organization’s operations and its impact on the society (Kramer, 2019). As a leader, I aim to ensure that companies I will work for in the future will dedicate effort and resources to adopting best practices that do not cause any damage to the environment and promote honest work and wages. Next, the courses helped me improve my knowledge regarding leadership and the impact of leaders on their employees.

Unarguably, this program will benefit me in the future because I will be able to understand the context of organizational processes better. Additionally, I will be able to comprehend the changes in an industry that require attention and adjust directional strategies to ensure the success of my organization. It can be concluded that this program provided me with the knowledge and skills necessary to become an efficient leader of a company.


Kramer, M. R. (2019). The backlash to Larry Fink’s letter shows how far business has to go on social responsibility. Web.

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StudyCorgi. 2021. "Organizational Processes: Organizational Management Concepts." July 17, 2021.

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