Overcoming Disappointment in the Job Search

Crises can occur in job interviews, work, or ordinary life situations. Thousands of little things can disappoint every day, but one must comprehend how to overcome hardships and remain optimistic in any, even the most challenging, life situations. If something undesirable happens, it is evident that the most straightforward thing to do is relax and accept the circumstances (Adeshola, 2019). Nevertheless, I prefer to learn from the concern and not forget it. To be always in a good mood, I try to see something excellent and sound even in the most complicated situations. Everything that happens, both good and bad, has two sides (Adeshola, 2019). I consider that any negative case can at least be a source of experience. Therefore, when something negative happens, I do not exaggerate the situation and try to accept it and not blame myself.

The strategy of obtaining a negative experience as a lesson and an opportunity for further advancement appear the closest to me. No one is immune from failures, and it is vital not to give up, despair, or complain, and extract experience from what happened. No matter how demanding it is, any situation can teach one something and point out the deficiencies in personal development (Adeshola, 2019). I believe in this because I have experienced this strategy and can conclude that hardships invariably carry lessons and allow one to avoid subsequent problems.

No one is immune to rejection at work, and I am no exception. The primary reason for a negative response is often my insecurities and worries. Once I could likewise get an adverse reaction because I could not explain my weaknesses accurately. However, the more experience I have, the more comfortable it is for me to get interviews and perceive recruiters’ responses. I realize that a job interview does not evaluate me as a person, and there are numerous reasons why another person might be a more suitable option for the position. I try to benefit from rejection, analyze and understand the situation, draw conclusions from it, and continue to improve.


Adeshola, A. (2019). How to guarantee disappointment fuels your career. Forbes.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Overcoming Disappointment in the Job Search." April 5, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/overcoming-disappointment-in-the-job-search/.


StudyCorgi. "Overcoming Disappointment in the Job Search." April 5, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/overcoming-disappointment-in-the-job-search/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Overcoming Disappointment in the Job Search." April 5, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/overcoming-disappointment-in-the-job-search/.

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