Internet Alters Traditional Distribution Channels: A Study


The internet has altered the traditional distribution channel. Where companies depended on catalogs to inform customers about products, they can now access them easily on websites. Purchases do not have to be made on site. Customers purchase and pay for merchandise online. Thereafter, the company organizes to deliver the goods. This saves on time and space, therefore reducing the cost of the goods. However, there are items, which are best purchased in stores (Over Stock, 2011).

This paper seeks to examine the features of three such websites and their impact on me as a consumer. The websites have different features and deal in different goods. deals in furniture, bedding, electronics, gifts, toys among others. specializes in office supplies such as printers, computers, paper and pens. sells a wide range of women’s clothing.


Which website does the best job of marketing their merchandise? Explain your answer does the best job among the three websites. The layout includes a window, which shows items on offer and the discount available. This window contains pictures, which change every few seconds. This allows the consumer to view many products within a short span. It also attracts attention. The display of the items is quite appealing. There are also beautiful models that make one want to purchase the items (Office Max, 2011).

The company has displayed the shipping price at the right hand corner. This creates the impression that it is cheap to ship products with them. Further, down, there are various categories of goods and their pictures. The departments feature makes it easier for one to find whatever they are looking for. This is as opposes to other sites where one has to perform a search in order to find s product.

The website also allows customers to rate products. This rating is visible to anyone else who would be interested to purchase the same product. It helps one to know which products are popular with other consumers.

The website does not display their merchandise openly. One has to go through some procedure to access the clothes. is an efficient website. However, it is not very attractive to first time shoppers.

Find a product that you would be willing to buy over the internet and explain why you would buy it. Name the website and describe the product.

I would buy clothing over the internet. This includes skirts, blouses, sweaters and jeans. The site I would buy from is This is because their clothes are known for quality. Thus, chances of getting a raw deal are minimal. It is also possible to return the clothes within certain duration if I am dissatisfied.

Clothes come in sizes (Bebe, 2011). I can choose a suitable size since they are standard. The size is specified when making the purchase. This enables me to avoid clothes that are too loose or too tight. The website also has pictures of the clothes as they appear in real life. I can choose whichever colour I would prefer.

I would also purchase office supplies online. Examples of office supplies I would purchase are printers, toners, cartridge ink, printing paper and writing instruments. The store I would choose for this purchase is The company offers these supplies at a reasonable price.

Office supplies are standard goods. Once one identifies the brand they intend to purchase, the purchase is then made without much thought. It is also rare that I change the brands, which I purchase. I stick to one brand for each supply. Having a regular supplier works best for me.

Find a product that you would be unwilling to purchase over the internet. Explain your reasoning. Name the website and describe the product.

I would not buy items of furniture online. This includes beds, tables and garden furniture. These items are not clearly presented on website pictures. They are too minimized for one to see all the features. As such, it is impossible to get a true impression of the merchandise. In addition, they are usually displayed in specific arrangements, which are attractive but may not work in my residence. I may end up purchasing an item of furniture only to discover that it does not look as good as it did in the picture.

I would be hesitant to buy a mattress online. This is because I cannot touch or feel it before paying. Thus, there is a high likelihood of purchasing an uncomfortable mattress. The process of returning it is quite hectic. Some online companies do not permit a customer to return mattresses. The ones that permit charge quite highly for the process. It would be a loss-making venture if I was to purchase an unsuitable mattress then try to return it. Therefore, I prefer to go to a physical store to purchase a mattress. This will allow me to use my sense of touch and sight to choose the best product. Chances of making a mistake in such a purchase are almost zero.


Bebe. (2011). Web.

Office Max. (2011). officemax. Web.

Over Stock. (2011). overstock. Web.

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StudyCorgi. 2021. "Internet Alters Traditional Distribution Channels: A Study." January 29, 2021.

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