Pakistan-US Relations Post-Cold War

Introduction Relations between Pakistan and the United States have been tumultuous since the 1950s, a trend that continued after the Cold War ended in 1991. During the Cold War, one US strategy was to make alliances with different countries to counter the expansion of Soviet communism and influence. The United...

Progressive Corporation’s International Business Plan

The proposed business plan presents an entry strategy into the Belgian market and an effective marketing plan for penetration and sustainable business for the auto insurance policy product. This means that the company should select an effective internationalization strategy for business survival and sustainability in the short and long term....

Leadership Styles of Benazir Bhutto and Shirin Ebadi

Leadership Styles Any organization or business has its processes designed according to an internal code of ethics. Such structures as governments and their branches also have lists of rules that their members should follow. However, real-life situations can sometimes be controversial with no written directions on how to act in...

Brexit and Its Economic Impact on the UK

Introduction Overview This chapter covers the background to the study, problem statement, research objectives, questions and the significance of the study. Background to the study In early 2013, the British Prime Minister declared that the country will vote to decide whether the country should remain or exit the European (Whyte...

Perspective in Women Leadership in United Arab Emirates

Introduction Over the ages, a great number of analysts have spoken about women leadership, their role, how they lead and the challenges they face when leading a company or an organization and how they have achieved good results in their leadership. It is imperative to note that leadership is a...

Human Rights Role in International Relations

Introduction Today, more than ever before, human rights have become resolutely embedded in both the practice and study of international relations (IR), in large part due to the mounting growth of the United Nations (UN) international human rights regime coupled with the rise of international non-governmental organisations (INGOs) and human...

Organizational Leadership and Personal Qualities

Introduction Many people believe that leadership is an issue that can be developed through training. Others especially those in the olden days believed that leaders were born. But I have come to realize that leadership is a diverse topic. This can be seen right from its definition to the many...

Change in the “Disgrace” Novel by J. M. Coetzee

Thesis The most prominent theme in J. M. Coetzee’s chef-d’oeuvre novel, Disgrace, change. The author sets the scene for events in the book in post-apartheid South Africa at a time when a variety of changes are occurring, thus affecting the characters in the story and the overall outcome in numerous...

Vocabulary Instruction for English Learners

Vocabulary Instruction Vocabulary is crucial for successful text comprehension. Although not many students understand that at first, it is mainly the teacher’s duty to show students how important vocabulary is and why it should be memorized and used. Sedita (2005) points out that there are several categories of students who...

Organisations: Leadership and Management Role

Introduction The modern times have become competitive and very challenging for managers and leaders. In as much as the challenges face leaders and managers, very few individuals understand the differences that exist between managers and leaders. In some cases, people use the two terms interchangeably. It is fundamental to explain...

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ALFIN Mills Inc.’s Pro Forma Financial Statements

Introduction The Pro – forma financial statements are often prepared in advance of major transactions. Some of the transactions that require Pro – forma financial statements are starting of a business, capital investment projects, alteration of the capital structure of the business, acquisition, and merger among other transactions. The Pro...

Blue Sky’s Integrated Marketing Communication

Terms of Reference Overview: This is a business plan for Blue Sky that sells sports clothing. Corporation: The business organization is small and growing against key competitors in the market. The Business: The business specializes in selling of all seasons sports clothing for people aged between 24 and 45 years....

Human Capital Management in Entrepreneurship

Introduction The management of human capital has become a highly debated topic in contemporary entrepreneurial practices. In business, people are perceived as assets that can be increased in value through either the creation or identification of investment opportunities. The embracement of human capital management (HCM) involves the constant provision of...

Prevention of Obesity in Children

In children suffering from obesity, is the education of parent in healthy lifestyle for the children compared with medication treatment, increase the outcome and prevention of obesity. Introduction and Background The incidence of overweight and obesity among children have become a global concern that is associated with increased health complications....

Osama bin Laden’s Letter to America

Bin Laden’s letter to America in November 2002 is an attempt to justify his intention to attack and wage war on the United States, based on his belief system. As such, it is highly biased. Bin Laden lays out his views of Allah, Islam, the Quran, the USA’s corruption, and...

Castrol Company’s Research & Development

Importance of R&D in Businesses The business environment continues to witness numerous changes that affect the way organisations operate. In the wake of the inevitable wave of globalisation, changing consumer demographic factors, and technological advancement, it has become vital for firms to commit resources to proactive Research & Development (R&D)...

Leadership and Management Importance in Organisations

In today’s increasingly complex and dynamic environments, leadership is regarded as an important part of organisational success. Management training and development is considered a vital facet of the organisational community and environment. Various studies show that companies that align their management development and strategic goals are successful in competitive business...

Contemporary Events Marketing: Topping Out Ceremony

Introduction The success of any given event depends on the planning behind it. Strategic planning is needed at all times. Management bodies of such events find it essential to rely on fundamental theories and various best practices to enhance the experience derived from such undertakings. A number of foundations act...

Green Supply Chain Management: Practices and Benefits

The 3Ps of GSCM The company managers face a number of encounters in administering profitable and competitive corporations while trying to embrace the comprehensive ethical and social tasks. Such encounters appear in the overall banner of Corporate Social Responsibility. In fact, the CSR needs the corporations to assimilate the ecological,...

Analysis of the Book “The History” by the Venerable Bede

An Overview History is one of the most popular books written by the Venerable Bede. The text is known to different people by several titles. It is known as Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum, The Ecclesiastical History of the English People, and Bede’s History. The book not only explores the religious...