American Family in Death of a Salesman

The play “Death of a Salesman” by Arthur Miller depicts life and destiny of an American family which dreams about prosperity and high social position in society. in this play, Miller tries to escape social contradictions by using a dramatic form. Fundamental in this play is the fact that Miller...

Economic Tools and Concepts: Health Care Industry

An economic tool refers to methods that are utilized by economists in the analysis of various issues. Such tools include the demand and supply curves which are used to illustrate various concepts such as elasticity and conduction of marginal analysis. In the health care industry, there is a wide range...

The Epidemic of Obesity: Issue Analysis

It is a popular topic nowadays, the issue of obesity among the youth of America. There is so much interest regarding this topic because it concerns the health and well-being of many people, most especially the young. They are the future of this country and everything must be done to...

Spirituality and Holistic Care

Introduction “Holistic nursing practice is about healing the whole person, explicitly recognizing and addressing the interconnectedness of body, mind, emotion, spirit, society/culture, relationships, context, and environment” (American Holistic Nurses Association 2008).This type of practice does assist people to find the much needed well being. It looks at an individual as...

What Is Right With the World?

The world diversity creates a scope of picturesque scenes of nature in its perfect presentation. A man urged to nature when wanted to escape from the reality of routine life. The ability of everyone to see and share the beauty of the world is slowly decreasing due to the urbanization...

The Promoting of Effective Board Governance

Introduction The organizational structures, especially companies, are different and more complex from those of smaller ones. While sole proprietorship and partnership consist of just the management team, larger organization and companies in particular (both profit making and non profit making organization), usually have boards of director which is the organization’s...

The Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Civil Relief Act of 1940

History The Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Civil Relief Act of 1940, as well as its earlier and later enactments, were management-neutral and but highly protective of the overall job performance of those who served the nation. At least, this is the perspective from within the military organization. Though the Act is...

Code of Honor in Calderon’s Life is a Dream

Something that seems to have died out of the world today is the strong sense of honor depicted in many of the plays and other literature produced in numerous countries throughout the past several centuries. This code of honor that has been passed down to us through many different mediums...

Self-Improvement Paper – Shyness

Communication is something that comes naturally. Everything in this world communicates with one another. Some forms of communication are simple, consisting of sounds, movements and gestures. Animals, birds and insects communicate in a similar fashion. Other forms of communication are complex and detailed that include languages, rules and unlimited variations....

Los Angeles and Its Historical Events

Introduction Nicknamed the City of Angels, Los angeles is one of the most popular cities in the world today. It is estimated to have a population of more than 3.8 million people. The Metropolitan area is a home of estimated thirteen million residents. L.A. county is the most populated and...

Eating Habits in UK: From Past Till Now

Eating habits/trends in the UK and London and explain the history and development over the past twenty years The change in the lifestyle of people in the UK and London has caused a change in their eating habits and trends. “The recession has proved to be a considerable force for...

Social Cognitive Theory and Self-Efficacy

The socialization of people in the modern world led to the impossibility of the existence of any group of people, organizations, and other institutions without communication. The effectiveness of health risk communication in the organization may be evaluated by means of social cognitive theory and self-efficacy, which are going to...

The Risks of Outsourcing

Outsourcing is a process through which a company or an organization may ask other firms to handle some of its functions. These functions usually consist of marketing, human resource, finance, selling, retailing, etc. Since there are other firms in the market which specialize in these fields, it becomes easier for...

Case Study “Tough Guy”: Problems in the Organization

Introduction The problems that this case study presents revolves around the insulting and derogatory behavior of Chip Mazey, the vice president of Hudson Smith Gordon, an investment bank, along with his poor people skills. Case analysis The insulting and derogatory behavior Mazey portrays has led him, a vice president of...

Archetype of the Ancient Etruscans Compared to Modern Day Archetype

Introduction The archetypes of ancient world are versatile due to the fantasy and personal beliefs of ancient people. In Etruscan reality the role of deities and polytheism itself was of great significance owing to the religious and philosophical background of Etruscans and its development. Moreover, the similarities of Etruscan mythology...

Martin Luther King’s Dream Came True

Introduction Discrimination is the core problem in the United States, but in recent years people became more tolerant, and sharp conflicts do not exist in society anymore. Black people became equal members of the American society and looking at the facts of the social adoption of the black in cultural...

TiVo Inc.: Strategic Management

This paper aims to describe the industry and operating environment of such a company as TiVo Inc. In particular, it is necessary to focus on such aspects as the intensity of completion, the possibility of new entrants, the bargaining power of customers and suppliers, etc. The analysis may help to...

Job Analysis- InterClean and EnviroTech

Introduction The merger between InterClean and EnviroTech has led to a new outfit that has shifted the two companies strategic direction to a completely dimension. InterClean dealt with cleaning products only while EnviroTech offered cleaning services for organizations in the healthcare industry. The merger effectively brings together two business entities...

Australian Economy: Economic Problems and Ways of Its Solving

The Australian economy is considered to be referred to as the prosperous one in accordance with its mining, agricultural and service sectors. The overview of Australian economy has shown that this country is one of the most profitable on the international market with its GDP of $889 billion. The history...

Trend of Civil Rights During the Decade of the 1970’s

Introduction Civil rights are the rights that citizens of sovereign nations are entailed to by law, since they have a legal and philosophical basis. They are rights guaranteed in the constitution, e.g. freedom of speech, right to information, freedom of religion, and equal protection under the law. The choice one...

The Problem of Leadership

Introduction Leadership is the socially influencing effect that one person has in the form of aid and support on others with the aim of achieving a common goal. Kouzes and Posner (2007) say that leadership is all about creating a path for people to put in their ideas for the...

Renaissance and Baroque Epochs Analysis

The course of human history and the process of the development of human society may be schematically represented as the stairs, where each stair is a definite historical epoch. Such stairs or stages of the development are the Renaissance and Baroque. If the reasons for choice of these particular epochs...

The Impact of Financial Liberalisation on the Economy

Introduction A stable, effective and efficient financial system is very crucial and plays a great role on a country’s economic growth. Governments must always ensure that their financial sector is well and functioning properly in order to enjoy and maintain economic prosperity. The sector interacts dynamically with other key sectors...

Meeting Varying Learners’ Needs Concepts

Introduction Although teachers may have same curricula targets to achieve in learners, it is necessary to use varying teaching methodologies, which will ensure they meet all learner needs. Different learners have varying ways of acquiring knowledge that depends on their intellectual giftedness. Inclusion of value and diversity in teaching strategies...

Diversity and Demographic Impacts on Behavior

Abstract Businesses or firms that employ a diverse workforce are in a better position to appreciate and realize the demographics of their market. Demographics in this case refer to specific characteristics used in marketing or business research. They include race, disabilities, income, gender, location, and age. A company with a...

Japan and China: Political Systems

As a subfield within the larger discipline that is political science, comparative politics may be defined as “a combination of a substantive focus on the study of countries’ political systems and a method of identifying and explaining similarities and differences between these countries using common concepts” (Mair, 1996). There are...

Feminism in “Anthills of the Savannah” by Chinua Achebe

Introduction Feminism is a contradictory phenomenon, and thus, the views on feminism differ in their analysis as the phenomenon itself differs in meaning. Feminism can be understood in general, except for its most radical appearances. The most common representation of feminism in literature can be seen through the introduction of...

Warren G. Bennis’ Contribution to Strategic Human Resource Management

Introduction Several scholars have had their share of contributions to the field of strategic human resource management. They have tried to point out the different factors that play an important role in the ensuring of an efficient Human Resource Management strategy. Among those whose contributions have stood the test of...

Management Planning: Tyco Company

Introduction All business and human organizations need the right management practices for them to be sustainable and viable. Proper management practices should focus on both the long and short-term objectives of an organization. It involves formulating strategic targets, defining clearly organizational goals, implementation of correct plans and executing the plans...

The Issue of Moral Reasoning Processes in Justifying Behaviour of Professionals

Criminal justice professionals need to be trained in ethical practices and moral reasoning to justify behavior that justifies their roles and expectations from society. It is vital to enable a comprehensive analysis of the ethical perspectives of moral reasoning and behavior so that criminal justice professionals can effectively fulfill their...

The Vienna Philharmonic Summer Night Concert 2009

Music is the other world, where people think about nothing but the sounds they hear, feel nothing, but the surrounding atmosphere and see nothing, as music fulfills all the soul and person can percept nothing else. Classical music is absolutely different from modern music as classical music is immortal, a...

Customer Satisfaction in Business

Introduction Customer satisfaction is the key to success for a business. It can lead a company to success or complete failure (Simon, 2006, p. 4). If a company manages to achieve high level of customer satisfactions it will be one step closer to form a new relationship with them. Satisfied...

Xbox: The SWOT Analysis

The market of the computer and other innovative technologies expands every day. The computer and Internet became an essential part of people’s lives not only in their working places but also at homes. Microsoft, one of the most powerful companies in the computer field, has launched Xbox, a new video...

Decision Making in Paradise Two

Effective decision making and business prosperity interrelate to each other and reflect organization’s strategic plans and management systems. The case of Paradise vividly portrays that decision-making determines overall success of the organization and its development. Leadership style of the executive enables him to be accepted by others. Decision-making mechanisms adopted...

Stress and Its Effects at the Workplace and Home

Introduction Research has shown that, both organizational and home stresses are great threats to reputation because it causes a lot of anxiety. Such kind of stress will have effects equally on both employees as well as employers. (Eaker, 2000 p66) argued that, “The anxieties generated at place of work are...

Equal Opportunities in Learning Mathematics: Article Review

Introduction Social class backgrounds has a significant impact on the level of education attained by certain individuals. It is widely believed that individuals from higher socio-economic backgrounds tend to outperform those that are not from such privileged backgrounds. This will be investigated in further detail through analysing various sources Problem...

The Most Critical Leadership Competencies

Making a good leader is the central goal of any working organization striving to create effective business staff headed by a qualified specialist. Leadership is considered to be one of the central skills helping any person to succeed in business and social activities; this quality makes anyone stand out from...

Marketing Mix Products and Brand Strategies

In this research paper importance of branding will be discussed with regards to placing a product in the minds of the consumers. The paper will then delve into the relationship element of the brand with its users or consumers. Finally a comparison will be made between two brands of different...

The Roles of Organization Design in Proper Business Management

Organization design is a process of creating roles and designing reporting relationships in an organization. It is a guided process that integrates people and technology within the organization management and is aimed at improving the collective responsibility in the handling of duties thus ensuring success in achieving set objectives (Roberts,...

Environmental Trends in Microbrewing (Craft Beer)

Technological Trends The Micro Brewing and beer brewing industry has turned into a high technology industry and there are a number of factors that impact the industry. Beer Spoiling Bacteria Breweries across the world and across all types of beers are faced with the repetitive problem that beer can get...

Developmental History Research of a Child on a Specific Example

Introduction Filling and analyzing the developmental history of a child, the main critical purpose of such analysis is the identification of any disorders and deviations of the development, at the earliest stage possible. Such identification can be seen as a function of primary and pediatric care. The significance of analyzing...

Events Leading to the Civil War in America

Introduction This paper will analyze the following four events which were significantly responsible for the manifestation of the Civil War in America. Each of the events will be discussed from the political and social perspectives in explaining how they influenced the people. It is also evident that all the four...

Professionalism in Planning and Code of Conduct

Introduction According to the November 2002 issue of Academy for emerging medicine on professionalism and code of conduct for physicians, professionalism is viewed as “the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person.” (p. 1). This definition enlightens us on the existence of a...

The Sexual Response Cycle

Sexuality is a part of each person’s development, and studying even one’s own sexuality is a life-long process. Despite all the diversity of people, there still exist universal processes concerning human sexuality. One of such processes is the sexual response cycle which follows one and the same pattern, irrespective of...

New Millennium: Psychology and Health Problems

The psychology of a man is closely related to the health conditions them. In this respect, scholars point out that human being’s psychology is a mechanism that can make a madman’s well-being better or worse depending on how a human programming his/her consciousness. Looking back at previous years’ experience, there...

Humanities and Expressions of People Via Art

The term humanity has different meanings. The definitions have changed over time. During middle age, the term distinguished between areas of study that concerned human beings from those that concerned God. The areas that pertained to human beings such as philosophy, mathematics and science were considered to be humanities. Today,...

Affirmative Actions in Employment

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to identify what is affirmative action. The concept of affirmative action is to be explored along with the applicability of the concept in United States. With the increasingly diverse work environment with people form multiple ethnicities and backgrounds coming together to work with...

Shakespeare’s “Merchant of Venice” Performance

Introduction The play Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare, as all the masterpieces of the prominent writer, raised the themes of love, hatred, betrayal, and honor; the performance transfers the reader into the atmosphere of religious oppression and human portrayal of the central character, villainous Shylock. The play remains relevant,...

Shakespeare’s ‘Shall I Compare Thee To A Summer’s Day?’

The eighteenth sonnet of Shakespeare is the most famous of his one hundred and fifty-four sonnets. This is because it treats the subject of literary immortality. The beginning lines are so oft-quoted by many young people to a fair lady even in our times. We could daringly say that it...

Economic Situation in Rwanda

In this paper, we are going to discuss the economic situation in such a developing country as Rwanda. In particular, it is necessary to carry out growth diagnostics and propose the strategies, which may help to overcome the difficulties that this state currently faces. In this work, we rely on...

“Of Miracles” Essay by David Hume

Introduction Miracles are something that human beings always want to believe in, but what scholars, philosophers, and scientists try to dismantle. In other words, being a purely religious phenomenon, a miracle is doubted by those who actually doubt the very essence of religion and the fact of the existence of...

Does Canada’s Electoral System Need Reforms?

In the past decade, the voting and electoral systems of various countries have been scrutinized by analysts. This resulted in several reforms which were aimed at strengthening the democratic institutions. Scholars from all over the world have engaged in identifying how different electoral systems work and their impact on the...

Genetic Engineering in Food and Freshwater Issues

There is a growing problem of hunger facing most of the world’s population. Many thousands die from starvation daily, and as the population increases, this problem escalates, which further necessitates the desperate need for a reliable supply of food. The technology of bioengineered foods, sometimes referred to as genetically modified,...

Nature of Name in “The Namesake” by Jhumpa Lahiri

Introduction In most cases our backgrounds characterize us, for instance, where we grew up, our beliefs as well as traditions, the forms of education we acquire and the friends we make. It only becomes a problem when your background clash and as a result we are left torn between the...

The Cold War: Was It Really a War?

One of the common perceptions about warfare is that it is an armed conflict amongst the enemies. During the Cold War, the whole world was influenced by the politics of USA and the Soviet Union. These were the two nations willing to overpower each other. It was a war in...

Irony in “Of Mice and Men” Novel by John Steinbeck

John Steinbeck’s novel Of Mice and Men seems to be a simple story about the Great Depression. The story is essentially about two guys trying to make it in California as they struggle to stay employed as migrant field workers. Their dream is to earn enough money to buy a...

Visual Perception: Muller-Lyer Optical Illusion

Abstract The studies of visual illusions provide a wide scope of rational approaches toward the way of proper optimization of such distortions in everyday life. The area of the research props up against the Muller-Lyer illusion and its correlation with the normal conditions for an individual. This study provides a...

Cadogan Hotel Among Luxury Hotels in London

Introduction Hotel is an essential part of people’s lives in the time of traveling and business trips, where people need some rest and relax after the hard and depressive working days. London is one of the world’s business and tourism centers and people all over the world come there with...

Marketing Research: Japan Market Environment

Introduction This study refers to the market environment in foreign countries to promote teambuilding activities in order to implement a white water center in Montreat. Under this study, the market environment of a foreign country (Japan) is considered to analyze the potential market opportunities and threats. The following is detailed...

My Sociological Life and Identity

Introduction The course in sociology removed the notion I had that certain issues in my life were completely private. I thought that my will was the determinant of all my actions. Initially, my view on the world and my life was looked at from a tunnel lens. This has changed...

Audi Car Company: The Advertising Strategy

Audi Car Company can trace its roots back to the early 1900s. August Horch produced the first car in a partnership but went solo afterwards due to partnership problems. He chose the name Audi which means audible in Latin and from the look of things people really want to own...

Classism and Class Welfare in the United States

Introduction Classism is considered to be promoted in the form of oppression or prejudice against people through their social class on the basis of higher or lower socioeconomic status; nowadays the notion ‘classism’ is a real issue being widely spread not only in the American society but throughout the world....

Community Behavior Violator’s Experience

Introduction A norm can be described as a pattern of behavior expected within a particular society in a given situation i.e. the belief that is shared and accepted as normal, shapes and controls people’s actions in the society. People who do not follow the norms within society are considered rude...

Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex and Shakespeare’s Othello

To begin with, from ancient times a theme of inner feelings and conflicts maintained in a man’s soul and mind excite many people by the psychological nature of individuals who urge to find out a specific devotion and predestination in life. Here the extent of dramatic conversations appeared. This gave...

America’s Fear during the Cold War

America’s fear during the Cold War can be summarized as the fear of Mutually Assured Destruction or M.A.D. M.A.D. because even if America was the first to develop the atomic bomb across the Atlantic Britain, France and U.S.S.R. would soon develop their own nuclear weapons. The last was terrifying since...

Protagonist Roles by Mark Twain, J. Austin and C. Potok

Today’s world is full of so many flashy, noisy, and sometimes even rumbly forms of entertainment that it seems boring to spend a great deal more time and energy trying to read through the lengthy pages of a book. Reading has no sound, no pictures, and no possibility of shake...

Motivations of Human Behavior

Human behavior is a rather interesting area of study as far as human beings try to study themselves and it is always a complicated task. The motivations that drive people to acting in a certain way have always interested scholars and ordinary people in the light of the fact that...

Hindu Religion: Sacred Elements and Traditions

Introduction A Hindu is one who born in Hindustan or India and he is the one who believe in Hinduism. The term Hindu was derived from the river Sindhu. This term was first used to recognize the inhabitants who lived beyond the Indus River. Hinduism is considered as one of...

“Pool Players Seven at the Golden Shovel” by Brooks

The poem “Pool Players Seven at the Golden Shovel” discloses a bright and fashionable presentation of the main characters of the poem, namely the street boys whose fate depends upon their luck. In that regard, the poem is also a protest against the goodness of life, which came out of...

Make Invisible Visible: Basics of Optical Illusions

Introduction To begin with, it is necessary to mention that the issue of shape and form perception is one of the most interesting issues of human vision and perception psychology. Originally, the human eyes see what they are shown, and nothing more, however, our imagination, memory, and fantasy often add...

Gender and Cultures in Conflict Resolution

Introduction In many modern societies, conflicts between states and within the states have resulted in many wars or sometimes-severe violence cases. The wars have resulted in immense destruction of lives and millions worth property. In addition, many conflicts have resulted in disruption of many political, social and economic organizations in...

“Because I Could Not Stop For Death” by Emily Dickinson Poem Analysis And Explication

Introduction Emily Dickinson’s poem “Because I Could Not Stop for Death’ expresses the writer’s perception of death. The writer focuses mainly on the construct of life after death. The setting of the poem reflects the contexts in which death draws near, and the writer puts these circumstances as genial and...

Logistical Problems Faced by Qatar Cement Factories

Background According to Christopher (2005) logistics is the process of strategically managing the procurement, movement and storage of materials, parts and finished inventory in order to achieve efficiency when it comes to the fulfilment of orders. This means that the company will be able to make a profit but at...

Supervalu Retail Chain of Stores’ Market Analysis

Introduction SuperValue retail chain of groceries has been in operation for 135 years offering a wide range of products that include grocery, Pharmacy and supply chain operations across the country. It operates approximately 2500 stores and about 2500 affiliated retail shops through the company’s supply chain operations. Currently the chain...

Starbucks Coffee Company’s Analysis

Starbucks coffee company is an international based coffeehouse chain that purchases and roasts finest coffee beans. The processed beans are being sold all over the world in the form of dip-brewed coffees and espressos. Starbucks Coffee Company was founded in 1997 and became the world’s leading brand of specialty coffee....

The Character of Hamlet’s Mother

Heilbrun: The character of Gertrude cannot be only described by such qualities as weakness, shallowness, and intelligence (201). Gertrude is a strong-willed woman and a rather reserved personage (205). Maxwell: Gertrude could be identified as a weak and neutral heroine, though her role in the story was very significant (237)....

Security According to Buzan, Waever and de Wilde

Introduction The discipline of security studies has been divided on the view of “wide” and “narrow” definitions of security since the post-Cold War era. The believers widening of the theory argues that the scope of security issues should digress to other areas like environmental and/or economic issues. However, the traditionalists...

Christian Salvation: Essential Elements

Introduction Salvation is derived from a Greek word sozo or soterion which means deliverance (Arnold para.1). Salvation in the Christian context can be used to mean deliverance to safety, which means individuals believably get their sins forgiven and thus they are rescued from the ultimate penalty for sinning. This essay...

Modernism, Postmodernism, and Metaphysics

Introduction Philosophy as a special form of society’s conscience can be said to have been occurred to fulfill the need for people to answer certain questions. The answers to such questions should be able to deliver a complete, logically relevant, and sufficiently broad in generalizations and conclusions knowledge about the...

Empress Luxury Lines Company’s Decision-Making

Introduction The case in quetion concerns Empress Luxury Lines, a world-wide known cruise line. Top management of the company is planning to intentionally damage underground lines to get coverage from the insurance company. The obtained money is expected to be used for the computer system upgrade. Kevin Pfeiffer, a computer...

Thoreau and Emerson Views on Society

There exists a commonly accepted theory that says that the development of civilization and movement of society may be presented in the shape of a spiral; this means that in the course of time humanity changes, but sooner or later it repeats the past at least partially, it appears on...

Case Study: Constant Stress

The working environment is considered to be the principal cause of depression and stress. The case study analysis depicts Michael’s stress sufferings at work; being a 40-year-old experienced airline pilot, the man completely devoted himself to his work. The analysis of possible causes leading to stress and depression is based...

Cohabitation and Personal and Relational Well-Being

Abstract The paper under analysis provides research in the social sphere of relationships between people. Here the points on cohabitation are discussed, as a constant phenomenon in American society. The prospects of time and morality are projected in the paper in a form of arguments using authoritative sources as well...

“Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress” by Dai Sijie

Dai Sijie and his novel Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress provide a scope of huge intentions of two young men in China to provide their skills in learning foreign literature in a time when such perspective was banned by the government. The thing is that the events in the...

Poverty in America: Issue Analysis

The stability of the country can be achieved when it is developed in various spheres of life. In this respect, it is necessary to admit that the level of poverty is evaluated in different countries in terms of how the state power provides reforms in social, educational, economic, or political...

Religion as a Belief System: What Is It?

Introduction A belief system, as is generally understood, contains high values, moral ideas and thoughts which provide a moral lesson. An overview identifies different types of belief systems that have been prevailing in the modern world. One can regard “belief system is the actual set of precepts from which you...

Motivational Factors in the Workplace

Introduction There are a lot of misconceptions in the workplace as to how to motivate employees to perform at optimum levels. Most managers especially those newly appointed unknowingly try to implement models and styles that worked for them but are not necessarily the norm for everyone. Occasionally, employers or managers...

“Seven Samurai” and “The Magnificent Seven” Movies

Introduction The art of movie-making is versatile and wonderful in the way of thematic and ideological coloring due to the genre peculiarities and the manner of representation. The world of movie is rich in the outstanding characters and persons who made and are still making movie art more magnificent, vivid...

Organizational Behavior Trends and Decision-Making

Introduction Decision making in modern organizations should be based on moral and ethical principles followed by employees and management staff. The ethics itself is based on the principle of “the standard of care”. It means that all decisions and problem-solving approaches should be based on detailed analysis of consequences and...

The Elephant, Tiger and the Cell Phone by S. Tharoor

We live in the age of change. Nowadays our world develops so rapidly that every day some of our stereotypes about it crash. This concerns the sphere of politics and culture; the picture of world becomes different from what it was yesterday. India is a wonderful example to illustrate this...

“Fighting Auschwitz” by Josef Garlinski

In the 1940s, the Nazi regime started an international program aimed at “purifying” the racial profile of the European population and establishing the rule of the so-called Aryan race. The powerful instruments of such correction were concentration camps, which combined the functions of labor utilization, development of science and technology,...

Many Versions of Cinderella, Which One Is Right for Your Child?

Fairy tale stories such as Cinderella stories must be taught to young children as they are one of the best ways to tell the children about the surrounding world. Cinderella stories form an excellent literature study aiming at character education. You can find different versions of the Cinderella stories. There...

“Passion of Saints Perpetua and Felicitas” by Lualdi

The book “Passion of Saints Perpetua and Felicitas” reflects the unique ideals and values o women during the Middle Ages and desires to enter martyrdom similar to men who follow this experience for centuries. The uniqueness and impotence of his text are that it is written by a Christian woman...

Climate Change and Its Potential Impact on Agriculture and Food Supply

According to the laws of dynamics, the earth, together with all its resources can be viewed as a closed system, which is governed by irreversible energetic processes. As such, it behaves as a single, self-regulating structure comprised of physical, chemical, and biological components, and this will include humans (Robert, et...

Corporate “Moral Responsibilities” – Myth or Reality?

In recent years, it became a “statement of good fashion”, on the part of many economists and political observers, to suggest that Western companies, operating in Third World countries, should adjust their business strategy to the illusive notion of “moral responsibleness”, the actual subtleties of which cannot be defined even...

Speech of Persuasion. Pursuit of One’s Goal

Speech If in my quest to achieve my goals I stumble or crumble and lose my soul Those that knew me would easily co-sign There was never a life as hard as mine No father, no money, no chance, and no guide, I only follow my voice inside I fit...

Data Storage Management Solutions: Losses of Personal Data

Introduction The term data refers to a collection of facts about anything. As it is often said, processed data results to information and he who has information has power. In the modern world, companies are in dire need of faster data processing in order to meet the challenges brought about...

Rock of Ages Company’s Value Chain Analysis

Summary Strategic planning and management have become a very critical aspect of the success of businesses and developments in the past three decades. From 1980s consumers around the globe have become more informed and continuously demanded more in terms of quality and price (Howe, 2006). Again the globalization and high...

Middle English Analysis on the Example of “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”

Introduction The English language, like many other languages, has its own history. It can be shaped in points on division into several periods. It is necessary to admit that English originates from the Anglo-Saxon people who came to the Albion after the Celts settled the land. In this respect one...

Business Ethics in Real Estate

Introduction Business ethics still remains one of the most important areas in business practice influenced by internal and external factor, cultural and social changes. Real estate industry represents a diverse market in terms of human resources and services provided. One strong and persistent pull of foreign workers to the United...

An Artifact of Childhood Activity

Introduction Psychology refers to childhood as the time between birth and puberty, just before the human being enters adolescence (Gowers, 2005). However for sociologists, childhood is considered as the period after infancy, wherein the human being begins to actively participate in his or her immediate social environment and make conscious...

To Have or Not to Have a Military Draft

Abstract To have or not to have a military draft is a debate that has sparked many views nationwide. America has not had a military draft since 1973 when it was done away with after the Vietnam War ended. The country then converted to the all-voluntary military. The Afghanistan war...

Psychological Issues in the “Breaking Away” Movie

Introduction Breaking Away is a light comedy with Dennis Christopher and Paul Dooley in the leading roles. It was directed by Peter Yates and released in 1979. The movie presents a story of four high-school graduates each of them having separate interests and none of them having desire to further...

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest: Book and Film Compared

Introduction One flew over the cuckoo’s nest is a novel that was written in 1965 and adapted into stage plays and even a movie in the 1971. Both the movie and novel are set in Oregon State in a mental hospital. This setting reveals the working of the hospital and...

Mrs. Lowell: Legal and Ethical Environment of Business

Introduction Flags of Convenience have continued to be used by Maritime companies to perform their business activities. However, the flags are registered in countries that have questionable legal environment. Companies take advantage of the weak legal frameworks to register in the countries, and therefore escape stringent requirements in the developed...

Austin Reed Group Plc: Understanding the Environment

Austin Reed Group clothing company has been operating successfully in the past years; this is attributed to the well-set standards by the west. Due to this success, the company wants to venture into more International markets like Asia and Africa to seek more opportunities to market and offer its products...

The Song of Roland and The Odyssey Comparison

Both these epics of contain themes that fascinate us and keep us enchanted through the centuries. The basic plot of the two epic poems is the oldest theme in the history of literature, that of good vs. evil. However, we find that through the centuries there has been a change...

General Prologue to a Contemporary Version of The Canterbury Tales

Much is said and written about the unique, unprecedented, historical situation the world is in today. The so-called new type of warfare, terrorism, the economic and different environmental-related concerns are among the things that make this world situation seem unprecedented in history. This story is about the voyage to the...

Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey — Comparison & Critique

The Iliad and the Odyssey are two of the oldest pieces of Western literature in existence today. They are canons of the west’s literary past even now and have a large following. The stories of both have been repeated countless times and used in cultural references and in making big-budget...

Trip as the Way of Searching the Reality

Introduction The journeys all over the world, which people retort to, are generally aimed to find the new, better life. People try to find other cultures, ways of life, wisdom that will never be met in the motherland. They may simply search for adventures if life is too calm. But...

The IASB and the FASB and Their Role in the Accounting

FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board) is the U.S.-based organization that issues Financial Accounting Statements (FAS) and other accounting pronouncements that constitute U.S. GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles). IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) was formed in 2001 as the successor to the IASC (International Accounting Standards Committee). IASB issues its series...

Nagasaki Atomic Bomb: History

Introduction Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs, the first and only atomic bombs to target enemy cities in a war, were created as an outcome of the Manhattan Project. The name was because the project depended on previous research (Atomic Bomb 3) done in New York. The chief scientist was Robert...

Obedience to Authority in Society

Introduction The predicament of obedience is a critical element in the structure of our social life. In a community of people, there is a requirement of some form of authority that involves other people responding through disobedience or obedience to the instructions of others. People living in segregation do not...

“Identity” by James Mangold

Psychological disorders turning a person into a criminal often appear to be a consequence of deep childhood trauma, and the film entitled “Identity” and created in 2003 by director James Mangold illustrates one of such cases. The present paper is intended to analyze the motion picture, applying concepts and theories...

Alcohol Taking by the Teenagers

Introduction Teenage drinking has increased recently and has brought about a great concern in the society. The average age in which boys start consumption of alcohol is 11 years while for girls is 13 years. Teenage drinking is caused by peer influence, depression due to problems in the family, promotions...

Remembering Who You Were: The Profession of the Teacher

Introduction “A teacher
 a schoolteacher
” – frequently pronouncing these words, we do not think, what role in our difficult life they play. The profession of teacher connects together the capability for contact, understanding and knowledge of people. From the early years the child learns to get to know its surrounding...

“Here and Now” in Group Facilitation

Introduction The concept of ‘here and now’ in group facilitation or psychotherapy has more relevance in interpersonal therapy and greatly influences group processes. It refers to the state of the conscious mind of the group members seen as the group reacts to circumstances or issues created in the context of...

The Nature of Juvenile Delinquency

Juvenile delinquency is a term used to refer to criminal acts that are committed by a minor. In most countries, there is a set age in which a person is referred to as a minor and after that age, referred to as an adult who is capable of making decisions...

Participation in Government: The Death Penalty

The death penalty is also referred to as capital punishment and is commonly reserved for capital offenses. Capital punishment involves the execution o an individual who has committed a capital offense by the state. The term capital has its origins in the Latin word capita which literally translates to “of...

“The Last of the Mohicans” 1992 Film by M. Mann

Introduction The 1992 classic movie The Last of the Mohicans relates the tale of set in the 1757 French and Indian War when the British and the French are battling for control over North America. The Mohicans, as history holds, have a past intermingled with war, influxes of other tribes...

Hawthorne Experiments – Elton Mayo With Roethlisberger and Dickson

This paper discusses the Hawthorne experiments; a brief description of the background of these studies is also given. It describes the social and environmental effects of the time that were observed on these theories. The relevance of these theories to the present time is also discussed. The various drawbacks and...

F. Scott Fitzgerald “Tales of the Jazz Age”

One of the great novelists of the American literature, F. Scott Fitzgerald has been a success in the shorter form of fiction as well. Fitzgerald’s short story “The Jelly-Bean” in the novella “Tales of the Jazz Age” confirms his literary merit as a successful narrator. An analysis of the short...

English as the Second Language: The English Verb System

Verbs The English language is spoken all over the world. Wherever it is not spoken people are trying to learn it or become better at it because it has many advantages and provides a common method to communicate with the world. Learning the English language though is no easy task....

Management of Sex Offenders

Although sex offender treatment is an established clinical department, results concerning the effectiveness of how it handles its task has been slow to gather up. Treatment outcome studies are going on and one carried out in California best known as Sex Criminal Management and Assessment Scheme is used to give...

Art History: Italian and American Paintings

Introduction Art history is examination of art objects, the process of their development and the description of their stylistic peculiarities such as design, look and genre. This branch covers study of masterpieces all around the world. Artists are ‘makers’ of art who embody the feelings and emotions of the environment...

Alice Walker’s Concepts of Everyday Use

In Alice Walker’s short story “Everyday Use”, the author places two sisters side by side for an afternoon of visiting. One of these sisters, Maggie, lives with her mother in a small, poorly built shack on the edge of the country and is planning to marry a somewhat unattractive but...

Data Storage and Losses in Companies

Data storage Data storage is one of the fast growing sectors in the world since it accompanies informational innovations. Handling of data in soft copies is rising in the organizational world because organizations are still undergoing transition from handling of documents in hard copies to the recent information handling methods...

Portraits of Paganini, Napoleon, Marie-Antoinette and Countess Tournon

‘Paganini’ by Delacroix and ‘Napoleon in his Study’ by Jacques-Louis David In comparing the portraits Paganini by Delacroix and Napoleon in his Study by Jacques-Louis David are full-figure portraits, but the resemblance ends there. While the propaganda portrait of Napoleon is brighter and has more detail, the portrait of Paganini...

Thai Lay Fashion Company: Business Plan

Introduction The creation of a new business venture involves different stages. All of these stages constitute a cycle of growth in the total lifecycle of the new venture. Business ventures are always built with long-term objectives. Different levels of business operations are required for achieving the long-term objectives. Suitable business...

Sociology of Education: Teaching Methodology in UK and Poland

Introduction In accordance with established laws in the UK children of between 5 and 16 years receive compulsory education. This is the same case in Poland especially after undergoing reforms in the education sector. In the British system secondary education is programmed to last for seven years. (Schoolzone) Summary The...

Philosophy. Rationalism, Epistemology, Metaphysics

Introduction Rationalism is a theory in which the measure of the truth is not sensory but intellectual and deductive. Rationalistic philosophers believed that reason is the exclusive path to knowledge. Not all philosopher are uniquely empiricist or rationalist, some of them have two stand points belonging to the schools of...

Cultural Relativism, Universal Jurisdiction and Human Rights

The Human Rights area of different countries has its own peculiar features and structure. Human Rights are the result of people’s fight for independence. Middle East countries have always been characterized by certain unique rules and positions in the sphere of religion and human rights. The contradictions between the international...

“A Room of One’s Own” by Virginia Woolf

The work A Room of One’s Own vividly portrays hardship and inequalities faced by many women during the 19th century. Virginia Woolf A Room of One’s Own rests squarely on the distinction: one must have the means of 500 and a room of one’s own, she says more than once,...

Art History: Los Angeles Museums

Introduction I would like to discuss two museums that I am really interested in. Both are located in Los Angeles. First of all I would like to tell you my impressions about the Los Angeles County Museum of Art generally called LACMA that you can see on the picture, which...

Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis Book I and II

Introduction The book Persepolis I and II, reflects on the life of Marjane Satrapi, an Iranian girl who fled to Vienna in Australia after the Islamic revolution in 1979. This occurred after the Iranian warfare augmented the government’s authority over its people. Satrapi’s parents saw the need to send their...

School: Educational and Constitutional Laws

From the onset, it is worth acknowledging that this is an age-long topical issue, which demands utmost attention. This paper thus seeks to tackle the matter against a backdrop of not only the Freedom of Speech as protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and other assorted...

Juvenile Delinquency: Main Theories

Psychological Theories Kohlberg theory of moral development outlines three different levels. In the pre-conventional level the concept of obedience and punishment channels moral reasoning and individual perceptions are formed on the basis of individual needs during middle childhood. The conventional level is reached when middle childhood ends; the expectations held...

Writing Class for a Chinese English Learner

The analysis of the necessary writing activities is considered to be a complicated process influencing the level of language knowledge obtained by a student. Taking into account the fact that the native language of the student under consideration is Chinese, one should stick to the methods and strategies being suitable...

Improving My Interpersonal Relations

Introduction Most of the duties in life require one to have a good interpersonal relationship with others to do them better. Effective performance of the tasks we are accountable for requires an excellent understanding of others and even our interpersonal skills. There are situations in social life that need one...

American Civil War and Iraq Invasion Comparison

Introduction The american civil war is one of the political events which happened in America from 1861 to 1865. The major cause of this war was political since it was caused by the Republican Party. The Republican Party in the history of America is the second oldest political party. This...

Cuban Missile Crisis in American History

The Cuban missile crisis was one of the defining incidents of the Cold War period where the world came very close to being engulfed in a thermonuclear war. The confrontation between the United States and the erstwhile Soviet Union over the placement of nuclear-armed missiles in Cuba is one of...

China’s Foreign Policies and Influence on East Asia

Abstract This paper gives a critical look at China in terms of regional integration in the East Asia region. The main topic of this paper touches on China and regional integration in the East Asia and the challenges that must be overcome. This paper takes an analytical approach into the...

Liberal Democracy and the Problem of Political Organization

Liberal democracy is often considered one of the best political systems which permit democratic and economic freedom. Liberal values are not the only desirable issues. There are ideals which others share, of unity, efficiency, order, and security. In addition, all societies today, whether democratic or non-democratic, pursue the secular grail...

Explaining Relationships: Types of Relationships

Introduction Explaining relationships is a rather challenging matter for every person. This can be explained by the fact that people have numerous kinds of relationships with other people or with the phenomena of objective reality and all people understand their relationships in a way that no one else in the...

Incentive Programs in Increasing Sales Efficacy

The manager of a large retail store shoe department setup a new sale incentive program for a 3month period as a way of increasing employee motivation, morale, and boosting sales. At the end of the 3month period, sales results showed the department sales group had failed to meet their sales...

My Best Friend For Life: Explaining Realtionships

Every day, I sit at my computer at a specific hour and log into MSM Messenger. As the icon comes to life, I see that my cyberfriends are now online and ready to chat with me. These people have never seen me in person and I have never seen them...

The Necessity of Innovative Sentences

Prisons suffer from serious problems associated with overcrowding, poor sanitation, violence, drugs, and sexual assault. State-run prisons experience the familiar problems of other public-sector institutions that face no competition: inadequate supply, poor quality, and high cost. To solve these problems, especially the cost factor, the UK has encouraged non-custodial and...

Eastern Michigan University: American Humanics Program

Introduction The world economic conditions have undergone dynamic changes connected with globalization and technological transformations resulting in social and political instability. American Humanics was established for the purpose of meeting certain major issues in the nonprofit sector and to provide strong management and leadership. In EMU there is the nonprofit...