Personality Disorders: Common Issues

Personality disorders are common as everyone has specific traits that can develop to the level of them being an actual condition. Unfortunately, it may be challenging for people who do not deal with the same problems to socialize with those who suffer from the aforementioned state. Personally, I have experience encountering a person who has an obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. However, as I had not communicated with other people who suffer from this or different types of this condition, I found it challenging to deal with this individual’s behavior at the time.

To begin with, it is crucial to mention that obsessive-compulsive personality disorder has many symptoms that are not similar to each other. For instance, one may be too focused on doing things a particular way, while another may be obsessed with rigidly following the rules (Ratini, 2021). Personally, I found myself in a situation where I could not do my work correctly as an individual with this disorder could not delegate tasks to other people. This person was fixated on the fact that only one could do everything up to standard, and other workers could only deteriorate this project. Melinda Ratini (2021) highlights this symptom as one of the most prominent of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, so it is, in fact, safe to claim that my colleague was struggling with this condition.

Nevertheless, this situation could have been avoided if the behavior of both parties had been changed. My fault was that I could not communicate with this individual calmly as I did not realize one had a personality disorder. As for my colleague, it seems that it is challenging for them to control emotions or change behavior in this state. Therefore, individuals with personality disorders should not be requested to behave differently; others should adjust and realize how complicated it is for those who struggle with such conditions.


Ratini, M. (2021). Common personality disorders. WebMD.

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