Key Advice from Peter Drucker Applied to Personal Experience

One of the most important pieces of advice is to try and make one practical decision instead of several potentially effective ones. People are constantly faced with various obstacles, choices, and incidents that require decisions. Sometimes it might be overwhelming and disorganized (Collins, 2016). However, successful individuals know how to see certain patterns in such situations. Coping with it always requires a unique and innovative decision. However, in order to come up with one, it is necessary to discuss the situation and find time for reflection and energy for execution. Taking it into consideration, the author suggests that it is important to develop several universal patterns that might be applied to various problems. These patterns should make up one general concept, which will be practical and effective.

The author also raises another question. He argues that it is necessary to measure the quality of completed work. The author states that there is always one the most significant aspect that contributes most to the success of an enterprise, thus people involved should identify it and focus on it (Collins, 2016). Drucker utilized this principle to his own consulting. He claimed that he gained more from consultees than they did from him.

These principles were applied during an accident on a train station that took place several years ago. The accident resulted in multiple deaths. The officials responsible for settling the situation applied the general concept of crisis management. It allowed them to resolve most problems. However, the specialists worked for another party involved in the accident could not perform effectively as they tried to make multiple small decisions and did not use one general concept. Therefore, they could not identify the factor that contributed most to the improvement of the situation, which was the collaboration with the authorities and media.


Collins, J. (2016). Ten lessons I learned from Peter Drucker. Web.

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