Philosophy: Developing Critical Thinking and Ethical Reasoning

A long time ago, one famous Greek philosopher whose works are known to the vast majority of the population said “the unexamined life is not worth living”. These words belonged to Socrates. This expression helps to depict the true nature of Philosophy as a discipline and explains to students the importance of life examination and their readiness for this examination.

To make you believe that Philosophy is the discipline that needs to be taught deeply, let us present you with several facts from the sphere of philosophy:

  1. Philosophers usually call themselves “lovers of wisdom”. Do you want to have such a “lover”? Of course, it is only figurative words, but still, those students who want to become wiser will never neglect a chance to learn philosophical basics.
  2. Philosophy is probably the only discipline that may be contemplated in any field: in law, you have to remember the basics of ethics; in math, you face the achievements of numerous philosophers; and in history, many philosophical concepts are used.
  3. Philosophical education helps students properly comprehend and interpret their lives and everything that happens around them. It is difficult to define what is good and what is bad; and it is more difficult to explain why something is good, and something is bad. Philosophy as a discipline aims at helping students make conclusions and choices.
  4. Philosophy is a discipline that develops some students’ skills and possibilities. Critical thinking, ethical reasoning, evaluation opportunities, and possibilities to introduce new ideas – all this is inherent to philosophical classes.

To take classes of Philosophy does not mean to become a philosopher. However, these classes make you stronger, wiser, and more ready for numerous whims of life. So, never have doubts about Philosophy discipline.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, February 4). Philosophy: Developing Critical Thinking and Ethical Reasoning.

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StudyCorgi. (2021) 'Philosophy: Developing Critical Thinking and Ethical Reasoning'. 4 February.

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StudyCorgi. "Philosophy: Developing Critical Thinking and Ethical Reasoning." February 4, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Philosophy: Developing Critical Thinking and Ethical Reasoning." February 4, 2021.

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