Philosophy of Nursing: Emotional Intelligence Theory

Nursing and Its Components in my Philosophy of Nursing

My nursing philosophy can be identified as culturally-sensitive and holistic. In my point of view, it is of great importance to view patients’ needs and expectations along with their background, family relationships, and self-identification. It seems to me that nursing is the provider of health care services of the highest quality and relevance. Most importantly, nursing exists not only to meet patients’ physical needs but also psychological ones. The theory of emotional intelligence that was specified by Florence Nightingale is one of the most significant theories regarding the essence of nursing. In particular, she stated that health care promotion should be performed with a dedication to the ideals of nursing care, including honest respect, appropriate treatment, and an open approach to patients (Karimi & Alavi, 2015).

I practice nursing by the above assumptions to improve and support patients’ physical and psychological health outcomes, serving as a patient advocate, caregiver, and teacher. I believe that the core goal of nurses is to contribute to quality rather than quantity and try to improve health care issues constantly. Moreover, I think that other health care providers as well as patients themselves and communities should understand their responsibility related to health care issues. They should be engaged in the collective and open discussion to reveal, analyze, and address the current challenges and elaborate on their enhancement.

Major Domains

Among the key domains of health care, there is a person, health, and environment. I believe that they may impact each other as people live under the impact of the environment that may cause diseases and treat at the same time. I view a person as an individual with certain beliefs, values, and requirements that were shaped in the course of his or her life. Also, a nurse should pay attention to a patient’s culture, origin, family, genetics, etc. (Cherry & Jacob, 2014). For example, some people value open communication with a nurse and collaborative efforts while others prefer to completely rely on a physician and a nurse and strictly follow their prescriptions without any doubts. Both of them are correct, yet they have different visions and expectations regarding health care actors.

Health may be referred to as quality of life that depends on plenty of internal and external factors. However, health is a dynamic domain that may require various attitudes (Cherry & Jacob, 2014). For example, some people require in-depth rehabilitation while others need education on obesity prevention. A patient’s health status is an issue that should be improved or at least preserved by nurses. In its turn, the environment includes factors that may affect one’s health. For example, such physical elements as water, air, and environmental pollution or non-physical ones, involving family and perceptions, identify one’s health status.

The Future of Nursing

I believe that the future of nursing has many opportunities to be improved to offer qualified nurses, develop useful theories, and ensure healthier outcomes. I consider that a nurse may face challenges in the field of collaboration with patients as many problems occur with understanding and communication. Therefore, it seems necessary to develop measures on improving nurse-patient collaborative efforts. My professional goals are focused on helping people to become healthier using applying new opportunities and experiences in the field of nursing along with counting for patients’ features and needs. I believe that hope, enthusiasm, and sincere interest in patients are rather important to contribute to the quality of health care services.


Cherry, B., & Jacob, S. R. (2014). Contemporary nursing issues, trends, & management (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

Karimi, H., & Alavi, N. M. (2015). Florence Nightingale: The mother of nursing. Nursing and Midwifery Studies, 4(2), 1-3.

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