Remedy Grid

Remedy Description
The symptoms like fatigue, irritability, and the loss of appetite are inputted into the remedy finder that is located at The results of the search can be found in Figure 1. These three symptoms can be used to diagnose possible depression in a patient. While filling in the sections in the remedy finder, it is necessary to underline the symptoms that bother the patient the most. Sometimes, it may be difficult for an ordinary person to clarify the appropriateness of the choice made. Therefore, much time has to be spent to make sure that all information is properly given to obtain a final remedy grid and a homeopathic option for consideration.
Regarding the results of the grid, Phosphorus is defined as the most appropriate homeopathic treatment (78%) in comparison to other options, including Natrum Muriaticum (67%) and Lycopodium Clavatum (56%). On the one hand, it is possible to take this remedy and its effectiveness seriously because in many investigations Phosphorus is defined as one of the most effective homeopathic treatments (Jamilian, Bagherzadeh, Nazeri, & Hassanijirdehi, 2013). Though it is not the only available option, its characteristics are effective to be recommended to a patient.
Remedy and Its Effectiveness
Personal experience can be used to prove the effectiveness of the remedy and its recommendations. It is necessary to admit that Phosphorus is considered to be one of the most abundant minerals in the body. If its deficiency occurs, hypophosphatemia can be observed causing such symptoms as fatigue, anemia, bone pain, and weakness. In this case, fatigue is one of the main symptoms. It is accompanied by irritability and an unexplainable loss of appetite. Hypophosphatemia is a disorder that may result in starvation. Therefore, the loss of appetite should be thoroughly investigated. The remedy finder helps to focus on different aspects of the chosen symptoms. The patient has to investigate the periods when the symptoms get worse. Besides, it is also important to clarify the situations when the patient may feel relief or the activities that cause certain improvements in the body. The remedy shows that fatigue, irritability, and appetite loss, as the main symptoms of depression, may become the causes of severe disorders and diseases.
Finally, certain attention should be paid to the fact that Phosphorus is not the only homeopathy option that can be suggested to the patient with the above-mentioned symptoms. The effectiveness of such constitutional remedies as Natrum Muriaticum and Lycopodium Clavatum has to be taken into consideration. These remedies are frequently used to treat various health problems and stabilize the condition of the patient. For example, Natrum Muriaticum helps to deal with migraines, emotional disorders, and negative outcomes of menstruation. The peculiar feature of Lycopodium Clavatum is the possibility to relieve different types of pain, including headaches, fatigue, prostate, or heartburn.
Research to Support Remedy
Phosphorus qualities are numerous. Such diversity may be helpful to one group of people and confusing to another group of people because it is hard to believe that the same remedy can be used in treating different diseases. Jamilian et al. (2013) state that patients may have different psychological backgrounds. Therefore, it is not enough to use Phosphorus as the main homeopathic remedy without certain analyses being made and an expert’s opinion being offered.
Depressive disorders are frequent among men and women at a different age, and homeopathy remains to be one of the most effective and least harmful remedies (Glickman-Simon & Schneider, 2016). Still, other options should not be defined as wrong or inappropriate even if they are not mentioned in the discussion because depression and its symptoms may have different nature and outcomes.
Glickman-Simon, R., & Schneider, C. (2016). Homeopathy for depression, music for postoperative recovery, red yeast rice for high cholesterol, acupuncture for seasonal allergic rhinitis, and ginger for osteoarthritis. Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing, 12(4), 287-291.
Jamilian, H., Bagherzadeh, K., Nazeri, Z., & Hassanijirdehi, M. (2013). Vitamid D, parathyroid hormone, serum calcium and phosphorus in patients with schizophrenia and major depression. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice, 17(1), 30-34.
Online remedy finder. (2017). Web.