Physical and Geographical Dynamics of South Asia

This paper reviews chapter six that focuses on South Asia under different topics. The chapter covers physical and geographical dynamics of the region. In addition, it covers educative topics such as natural hazards, environmental challenges, human geography, and economic development. Indeed, issues about South Asia described in the chapter are highly interesting. The chapter is useful because it presents different issues about South Asia. The topics presented promote the understanding of South Asia. Although, this is the region with the smallest geographical coverage, the second largest population worldwide resides here.

Information about South Asia presented in the chapter sufficiently fulfills learner’s knowledge curiosity. There are eight nations in South Asia comprising of six mainland and two island countries. Learners’ curiosity about the number of islands constituting the Maldives has been answered in the chapter. South Asia’s physical geography is also fascinating. The region has deep valleys, Khyber Pass, and plateaus that make its landscape attractive. It is also intriguing that the Himalaya Mountain is constantly rising at 1centimeter annually. The chapter provides interesting knowledge about human geography dynamics in the region that sets it apart. There are different religious affiliations, civilizations, and empires that are crucial for development in South Asia.

Topics about hazards, environmental predicaments and human geography provide people with opportunities to comprehend challenges of life in South Asia. There are several hazards that have previously devastated people in the region. Furthermore, environmental problems are likely to increase in South Asia. This is because of the escalating population. Furthermore, rapid economic expansion constantly exerts pressure on the environment. Apparently, South Asia has the highest number of religious affiliations as indicated in the chapter. The colonization process also affected countries in the region differently. The chapter shows that rural and urban conditions are different. Thus, communities develop survival mechanisms in order to live. It is surprising that some Indians are using the Ganges River to perform devout activities.

Natural hazards already experienced in South Asia devastated many communities. Indeed, it is sad that hazards have killed many South Asia residents because of disaster unpreparedness. Earthquakes, tsunamis, and flooding incidents have made communities vulnerable. Undesirable impacts of climate change are also increasing overtime posing greater risks on people.

The region has also experienced the worst forms of environmental problems such as the famous Bhopal disaster. Problems associated with water pollution are likely to increase in the region. This is because population escalation in some countries will continue to overstretch natural resources.

The book achieved its goal because it provides different aspects of South Asia’s physical, human, and economic geography. The book presented physical geography by describing different features that make South Asia unique. It also provided information about human geography by explicitly describing the issue of population and its challenges. The book covered different aspects of human geography such as religion, culture, and civilizations among others. It also provided information about economic geography of the region. It discussed the contribution made by populations in economic development and the repercussions of such growth on people and their surroundings.

It is important to recommend this book to other people including students and non students. The contents of the book can be beneficial to individuals interested in expanding their understanding of South Asia and its dynamics. Some sections of the book have technical information. However, it is still very interesting because it covers issues about different regions.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, December 26). Physical and Geographical Dynamics of South Asia.

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