Policy Approaches to Reducing Tobacco-Related Illness


According to World Health Organization (WHO), tobacco normally kills approximately half of its consumers (WHO, 2012). Furthermore, it kills approximately six million individuals annually. Most deaths associated with tobacco are those of its users and individuals who have quit using cigarettes. However, approximately six hundred thousand nonsmokers also die because of exposure. Trends in deaths and sicknesses associated with tobacco use have declined slightly. However, urgent actions are still required to significantly reduce illnesses. It is notable that tobacco is one of the greatest public health challenges in any country (WHO, 2012). Tobacco-related illnesses lead to the untimely death of its users. Tobacco-related predicaments also deprive households of their income. Evidently, problems associated with tobacco use require appropriate management strategies, which focus on reducing related sicknesses. It is notable that certain approaches are required to manage tobacco-related diseases (CDC, 2011). Policy approaches are crucial for reducing tobacco-related illnesses. This paper discuss examples of how policy approaches including laws and guidelines have been applied at different levels of governance to reduce tobacco-related sicknesses.

The application of policy approaches in combating tobacco related sicknesses is crucial for achieving significant progress. Various approaches must be well defined according to their contribution to the reduction of sicknesses associated with tobacco. The approaches must also recognize the objectives of reducing illnesses. Most importantly, societies need to remain free of tobacco associated ill health and deaths (HHS, 2012). The approaches must be coordinated to ensure that proven and realistic actions are implemented at different levels of governance. Furthermore, policy approaches must provide legislative means of handling violations in the dynamic tobacco markets and products.

At the national level, diverse policies and laws have been developed to manage tobacco use. In 2009, the “American Recovery and Reinvestment Act” was developed to strengthen cigarette prevention and regulation at all levels of government (HHS, 2012). The Act created the “Communities Putting Prevention to Work” (CPPW) program to encourage community’s involvement in tobacco regulation (HHS, 2012). Furthermore, the “Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act” developed in 2009 created a huge excise tax on tobacco (HHS, 2012). The Act placed a 62% rise in the federal government tax on tobacco. The Act ensures that an increase in cigarette costs results in declines in use, especially among young people. It is anticipated that the new guideline shall prevent approximately 2 million youngsters from smoking for the first time (HHS, 2012). Furthermore, the Act shall result in over one million adults ceasing smoking and prevent approximately 1 million tobacco-associated deaths and sicknesses.

The national government also developed the “Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act” in 2009 to provide Food and Drug Administration, FDA with excessive powers to control diverse tobacco products (HHS, 2012). Furthermore, the Act created the “Center for Tobacco Products (CTP)” to control and supervise all activities associated with tobacco including production, distribution, and promotion (HHS, 2012). The Act also requires cigarette producers to ensure that the packages for their products carry larger and visible health warnings. The “Prevent All Cigarette Trafficking Act” developed in 2010 shall minimize unlawful sale and distribution of tobacco and its associated products (HHS, 2012). The Act shall minimize and prevent tobacco use by sealing loopholes that might allow the distribution of cheaper and untaxed products. Tobacco delivery services shall also verify age of users in online markets.

The “Affordable Care Act” developed in 2010 underlines the significance of prevention and well being promotion (HHS, 2012). The Act requires health insurance firms to provide cover to treatments aimed at quitting tobacco use. It also provides for coverage for cigarette treatment for pregnant women. Indeed, the Act has several guidelines that aim at preventing smoking initiation among underage groups.

At the federal level, diverse policy approaches are being implemented to minimize tobacco related ill health. The federal government encourages public involvement in handling tobacco challenges. The government has generated diverse policies to ensure that tobacco and smokeless cigarette products are labeled using warning marks and statements (ACS CAN, 2009). This is aimed at ensuring that tobacco users understand the health consequence of cigarette use. The labels might include pictures of people whose legs have been amputated as a result of tobacco related sickness. The warnings must also be accompanied by appropriate messages targeting tobacco consumers. The messages must also imply that tobacco use is harmful to individuals well being (ACS CAN, 2009). The federal policies also outlaw the promotion of different tobacco and cigarette products in diverse media. Prohibiting advertisement of certain cigarette products is crucial for inhibiting promotional information about tobacco from reaching the public. In this scenario, many non smokers are incapable of getting positive information about tobacco from the media.

The federal government has also ensured that their tobacco control guidelines prohibit smoking from the air transport industry. Prohibiting smoking in such places ensure that non smokers are prevented from inhaling smoke from other users (CDC, 2011). The government also undertakes to implement public education on the dangers of cigarettes. This approach normally target non smokers in danger developing tobacco related sickness from exposure.


Application of policy approaches in controlling cigarette use is crucial in reducing illnesses associated with tobacco consumption. It is notable that policies and laws prescribe appropriate ways of controlling different aspects of tobacco business. The paper discusses the policy approaches that are applicable at diverse levels of government.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC. (2011). Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Tobacco Use: Targeting the Nation’s Leading Killer at a Glance. Web.

Department of Health and Human Services, HHS. (2012). Ending the Tobacco Epidemic: Progress towards a Healthier Nation. Web.

The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, ACS CAN. (2009). Winning the Fight against Cancer: Tobacco Control – State and Local Initiatives. Web.

World Health Organization, WHO. (2012).Tobacco. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, July 20). Policy Approaches to Reducing Tobacco-Related Illness. https://studycorgi.com/policy-approaches-to-reducing-tobacco-related-illness/

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StudyCorgi. "Policy Approaches to Reducing Tobacco-Related Illness." July 20, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/policy-approaches-to-reducing-tobacco-related-illness/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Policy Approaches to Reducing Tobacco-Related Illness." July 20, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/policy-approaches-to-reducing-tobacco-related-illness/.

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