Potential Danger to Human Life: Comets and Asteroids

This paper is a summary of the fear of human extinction as it happened with the dinosaurs; as a result of the development of extraordinary skills used in the manufacture of complicated systems and superior weapons which lead to mass destruction based on the claims that they are meant for protection. A symbiotic relationship between the military and scientific societies can now clearly be seen; for at any time these two groups convene military leaders are aggravated by the scientific impracticality, as is the case with the atomic bomb creator Oppenheimer who afterward rejected his creation (Bobrowsk, 2007).

The fear that humankind will one day come to an end is based on the contention that; unless members of society join forces to find a sustainable solution about the making of ammunition then extinction is awaiting. Based on real-time happenings, a timely warning is passed about the great men like scientists becoming ‘Kings of Terror’; where they are plunging towards the earth an immense heap of rock, ice, or metal. An illustration in this case is the ‘death rock’ talked of in the year 1999; which would mean the extinction of all human life on earth in its millions (Bobrowsk, 2007).

However the challenge in this case is that future leaders will be faced with the difficult task of ensuring a sustainable security for the earth because of technical harms; that would be threatening to the life and wellbeing of men from the amounting new technologies and destructively inventive use of the existing ones that should be required to pursue and ensure the indefinite future of the earth (Bobrowsk, 2007).

Asteroids are in a restricting way contained by the solar system and usually not too far off the ecliptic plane; hence they symbolize a comparatively easy target. Comets unlike the asteroids are not bound by the solar system which gives rise to the problem that, with the recognition of the impactor it is vital to collect data regarding the body or core; establish its orbit and be sure that is going to strike the earth. If a comet endangered earth, there would have been no time or method to avoid the threat on the planet. With such a comet as Hale-Bopp if it had reached the earth as according to the detection; being approximately six times the extent of Mount Everest that would have made a bit of a disorder whether it was squashy and crumbly or hard for the energy transfer would have been massive if it had crashed with the earth (Officer & Page, 2006).

Looking in the Halley’s Comet mission of 1986, mass destruction could occur. Luckily, the comet was approaching from the opposite direction and a rocket was launched at an angle so that the comet would be cut off as it crossed Earth’s path radius (Officer & Page, 2006).

Since Desert Storm in 1991, it has been hard enough for NATO to uphold a stable coalition of agreement against Saddam Hussein. Some of its members, Russia in particular have ended up turning their backs on Britain and America; whereas as a result Russia has fated the two powers for initiating Desert Fox against Iraqis. With such kind of a war, many people have been killed who constituted a part and parcel of humankind reduction in the earth (Spanqenburg & Moser, 2007).

Asteroids pose a great threat to earth for if a death rock were on an impact course with earth, in the case the hunter-killer spacecraft unsuccessfully failed to get to the target as planned, it could cause the death of millions (Bobrowsk, 2007).

The discovery that comet collisions caused the disappearance of the dinosaurs as well as more than partially the species that lived 65 million years back, might have been the most noteworthy scientific burst throughout the twentieth century. For more than two centuries the likelihood that the earth may be smacked by comets has been argued and three queries were raised from the beginning; will a comet strike the earth once more and if so, when? Might comet collision result in the extermination of the human species; and is it likely that the deluge legends from so many mores around the world possibly will be explained by past comet crashes in the oceans that caused enormous tsunamis. For these results, many people have become worried about the fear of another tragedy facing them. It is also quite incredible to see currently the majority of scientists, who were on one occasion skeptical that impacts might yet again occur, or that they might be liable for the annihilation of species; where now squabbles are about the facts of the mechanisms concerned (Officer & Page, 2006).

Comets and asteroids are also a great threat in other ways. Cosmic collisions evidently set the prospect for the emergence of Homo sapiens, a kind that lately became aware sufficiently to design and manipulate tools that let it explore further than its senses. Through this, our species came to observe how it fits into the space, system of things. Through such an experience a heated debate raises on impacts associated with comets and asteroids which might lead to human extinction.

It might be difficult to deflect an object that is headed in the direction of earth if we do not have any clue of what it is made of; whether it is rocky, a latent comet, or some feathery snowball of the type that broke up close to Jupiter and compressed to its stunning demise in July 1994 (Spanqenburg & Moser, 2007).

According to Gene, initially there was an enormous fireball brighter than the sun as the comet thrust to its death, not with a blubber, but a bang. One subject was the ozone layer which appeared then vanished; wherewith the break of it every part of the earth was occupied with pieces of it. The temperatures rose to that of an oven set to sweltering, from which ground fires blazed everywhere then afterward the temperatures started to come down. After this instance the rains experienced afterward poisoned with sulphuric and nitric acid furthered the desolation. In the course, Gene guessed that most of the big dinosaurs died in weeks (Svarney, 2003).

To conclude, comets and asteroids are a great danger to human life as well as to animals hence the scientists must accept that and play their role in educating people regarding the changes taking place in the universe, and the future they may be holding for them.


Bobrowsk, P., 2007. Comet/Asteroid impacts and human society. New York: Springer Publishers.

Officer, C. & Page, J., 1996. The great dinosaur extinction controversy.1st edition. New York: Perseus books.

Spanqenburg, R. & Moser, K., 2007. If an asteroid hit earth. London. Franklin Watts Press.

Svarney, P., 2003. Asteroid: Earth destroyer or new frontier. Basic books Press

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