Primary Source Analysis Concept: Raw Historical Materials


Anyone who seeks knowledge of historical reality draws this knowledge from sources. The primary source is the subject, with the help of which one can learn certain information about the time it was created. However, in order to establish which fact a historian can obtain from a given source, he or she must understand it. Otherwise, the researcher will not have sufficient reason to give his idea of fact objective meaning. A wrong interpretation of the source creates a possibility that a historian attributes his or her fantasy to the source and explains the circumstances incorrectly.

Main body

The primary source chosen for analysis is a passage from a document that was compiled by Canton people at a large general meeting. For review, it is presented under the title “The People of Canton: Against the English, 1842” (Fordham University 2020). The document most likely records part of the speech proclaimed at a gathering in Canton (Abe 2016). The author, or several authors, using comparisons and outrage about the gender of the ruler, tries to cause negative emotions towards the British nation. After that, they describe how the British respect for their rulers gradually turned into audacity and betrayal. In the end, they call for justice, religion, and patriotic feelings of the population to oppose the British.

The exact name of the analyzed document’s author is not specified. Since the document is published on behalf of the people of Canton, it can be assumed that several of the worthiest representatives of the population were elected at the general gathering (Abe 2016). The target audience for this announcement is the general Chinese population. It is evidenced by the authors’ use of bright and slightly rough comparisons. For instance, they pictured the British as “dogs,” “anacondas,” or many others. At the same time, they also appeal to patriotic feelings without burdening the document with dry facts. It suggests that the view expressed has been spread predominantly among educated segments of the population. It is also likely that ordinary people had little interest in political events. However, the authors needed to find support for their views among the general public and various sectors of the population.

The main purpose of the document was to condemn British interference in Chinese trade. The specific characteristics of the text indicate that it is written in the form of propaganda. It has been widely used in the political sphere since the 19th century to promote various programs by politicians, opposition candidates, and special interest groups. Propaganda is used to highlight the negative or positive aspects of an idea, person, or legislation. It is not related to facts, numbers, or truth. Instead, propaganda largely depends on the emotional reactions of its audience that call them to action.

The document refers to the time of the first opium war. It began in April 1840 and was the first war in world history to be fought not for territorial acquisitions, but new markets (Mao 2016). It was a new type of conflict. Due to its closure, China lagged behind European countries in technological development. For this reason, a well-trained and perfectly armed English army defeated Chinese units with ease. The attempt to provide any successful resistance failed. That is, the author of the analyzed words wants to elicit a response among the audience to elicit condemnation of the British. Perhaps, in this way, he wants to attract more soldiers and resources to the army. There is also a possibility that the author may not have had accurate information about the events taking place. Meanwhile, the information’s accuracy, even if the author possesses it, can be distorted by his biased and emotional opinion.

Document’s form and content tell a lot of things about the cultural values of the Chinese people in the mid-19th century. For example, the thought that a woman could be the leader of the state was not acceptable for them. At the same time, the honoring of the own governors is expressed quite obviously. They worship them as the wisest and kindest people among rulers. On the other hand, the authors were strongly revolted that the British knowing about the dangers of opium to the human body, all the same, continue to deliver it to China. It also says about the values of the British who sought enrichment on foreign people. Moreover, they did it secretly, having ignored the ban of the Chinese governors that extremely revolts the author of the analyzed words.

Thus, this form of document usually does not provide for any accuracy, statement of facts, or other. Moreover, this source is probably a recording of the speech. There is almost no censorship, as such offensive words as “demons,” “barbarians” were used (Fordham University 2020). The authors have many reasons to miss some facts and aspects. However, in the case of such a speech, expressed in propaganda, they could not but believe what they said. It is an unenforceable aspect of the success of such companies – if someone wants to find support, they must necessarily believe in what they do.

In assessing the usefulness of the document as a historical source, it must again be stressed that it clearly reflects the mood of a responsible part of the Chinese population. Not everyone is ready to resist and fight a strong nation like the British. In the same aspect, the weakness of the document reflects. The strong bias and emotion do not allow indicating the events clearly. Nevertheless, all this was dictated by the material’s purpose – to attract attention and cause a desire for resistance. Thus, the document is not a particularly valuable historical source, but it still expands knowledge of an important historical event.


The analyzed document is an example of a source that says nothing in itself. The historian who examines it must look in it for an answer to a particular question. Depending on the issue raised, the source may provide different information (Barton 2005). So, it can be learned from the opinion of part of China’s population about the spread of opium in the country. Thus, in my opinion, this document should not be considered a fully reliable source of information and facts due to intense emotions and bias. However, it can be useful for exploring the moods and some cultural features of the Chinese people during the first opium war. In order to draw any objective conclusions about the events that took place at that time, it is also necessary to study the more official documents and even the documents of the British side. For example, these could be the diaries of British seafarers, official correspondence between diplomatic missions, and many others.


Abe, Kaori. 2016. “The Anglo-Chinese Propaganda Battles: British, Qing and Cantonese Intellectuals and the First Opium War in Canton.” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch 56: 172.

Barton, Keith. 2005. “Primary Sources in History: Breaking through the Myths.” Phi Delta Kappan 86 (10): 745–753.

Fordham University. 2020. “Modern History Sourcebook: The People of Canton: Against the English, 1842.” Web.

Mao, Haijian, 2016. The Qing Empire and the Opium War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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