There are diverse reasons why individuals sit for long, such as watching television or working. However, it is essential to understand that sitting for long causes damage to the body. Therefore, people should implement various measures to ensure that they remain healthy and prevent diseases. Muscles are the primary consumers of blood sugar in the body and, if the muscles are not active, blood sugar begins to build up in the body. As a result, insulin and blood sugar levels rise and become uncontrollable, increasing the possibility of type 2 diabetes. At the same time, the body produces fewer enzymes that are responsible for breaking down fats in the bloodstream. Fats begin to clog in the blood and travel to essential parts of the body such as the liver and the heart. As a result, an individual can experience organ damage, degeneration of muscles, leg disorders, and back pain. Individuals who sit for a long time have a high risk of gaining weight and premature death than those who frequently stand or move.
Exercising and standing are the most appropriate ways to cure the problems caused by sitting for an extended period. For example, standing up after every twenty minutes helps to stop back pain or discomfort. The back and leg muscles are activated by standing and start reactions that are psychologically beneficial to the body. Additionally, understanding the best sitting positions helps an individual minimize the strain caused on the body muscles. For example, an individual can sit on a backless stool or exercise ball. Stretching the hip flexors and trying yoga poses enhance the flexion and extension in a person’s back. I plan to take breaks after every lesson to relax the muscles and prevent the damage caused by sitting for a long time. Additionally, I intend to stand and walk for about twenty to thirty minutes four times a week after classwork to stay healthy and prevent diseases.