Procter & Gamble Firm’s Mission Statement

It is evident that the COVID-19 unexpected challenges make most major companies change their strategies and adapt to the new circumstances and the needs of their customers. It is possible to say that all organizations were in relatively equal positions, but thanks to the outstanding skills of their managers, some firms managed to be more successful in their adaptation to the changes in the market. Procter & Gamble, a multinational consumer goods corporation, also faced the necessity of changing, and in 2020, the company had its biggest structuring in more than twenty years.

Based on the interview with Geraldine Huse, a president of P&G in Canada, it is possible to determine the firm’s mission statement. It is to provide branded services and products of outstanding value and quality, improve the lives, and enhance the experiences of their current and future consumers, which will allow the company to have leadership sales, value creation, and profit and be a force for good in Canada. Specific objectives can be inferred from this mission statement. First, P&G aims at making its products of the highest quality in order to be the best choice for people. Second, the company wants to become more successful than its competitors, especially in Canada. Finally, Procter & Gamble’s objective is to increase its profit. Further, as mentioned above, the changes in the market have significantly affected P&G’s marketing strategy. The company conducted an in-depth analysis of which products and services became more necessary for people in the conditions of COVID-19. Therefore, the corporation streamlined its ten product categories into six business units, invested hundreds of millions of dollars in increased capacity, and rethought the content of the communications and adverts.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, February 5). Procter & Gamble Firm’s Mission Statement.

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