Production of Fur-Free Branded Clothing

Today, the trend of greening the world is gaining momentum. People are switching to alternative energy sources. However, there are still moments of human life that have not come to today’s trends in ecology. Hunters in search of skin and fur exterminate huge quantities of almost extinct animals. According to Gambrell et al., “it is currently estimated that more than 1 billion animals are killed for the fur industry every year” (2018, p. 229). These measures sparked widespread interest about whether this could pass the business model of using fur or whether brands are thinking about improving the world.

In my opinion, the rejection of fur by large brands is the right step since the whole world is moving towards this. I believe there must be a populace substitution of furs for fur, which will lead to new uses for recycling and improving animals’ lives. According to Rolling et al., “luxury brands with a pro-animal fur stance create more dissonance than those with a pro-faux fur stance, negatively impacting consumers’ brand attitudes and purchase intentions” (2019). I believe that the appearance of new clothes collections with fur should decrease and soon disappear altogether; this action will have much wealth.

Eliminating the production of clothing with fur is an inevitable situation. Correspondingly for brands, abandoning this will lead to higher profits in the following seasons, as they follow trends. According to Miranda, “while animal rights activists championed Macy’s move, some speculated that the company was simply seeking to wrap up a business model that was no longer commercially successful for them” (2019). The issue of ethics, in my opinion, is not raised; it is a matter of business organization. I believe that there is no difference between animal skin or their fur; in my opinion, brands should completely eliminate the production of things using animal materials. There is no difference between a lamb leather jacket and a fur coat in relation to animals; both things kill animals in the same way.

Today, the trend of greening the world is gaining momentum. Many animal species live in fear of extinction as they are still hunted. Hunters in search of skin and fur exterminate huge quantities of almost extinct animals. In my opinion, the rejection of fur by large brands is the right step since the whole world is moving towards this. Due to the environmental problems in the world, people have realized that the use of animal materials is terrible.


Gambrell, R., Javanaud, K., & Sanghani, H. (2018). The Case for Ethical Fur: In Vitro Fur a Viable Alternative?. Journal of Animal Ethics, 8(2), 229-235.

Miranda, L. (2019). Macy’s, Bloomingdale’s to stop selling fur. NBC News.

Rolling, V., Seifert, C., Chattaraman, V., & Sadachar, A. (2019). Real fur or fake fur? Animal fur-free luxury brands, cognitive dissonance, and environmentally-conscious millennial consumer response. In International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference Proceedings. 76(1). Iowa State University Digital Press.

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