Psychosocial and Evolutionary Perspectives on Alien Existence and Contact

Escolà-Gascón, Álex, et al. “Beliefs and Opinions About the Existence of Life Outside the Earth: The UFO Experiences Questionnaire (UFO-Q).” Social Sciences & Humanities Open, vol. 3, no. 1, 2021, 100124.

In their study, researchers explored the topic of aliens’ existence from a psychosocial study perspective using the UFO Experiences Questionnaire, which examined the underlying characteristics of potential UFO experiences and their social influence. The scholars determined that the opinions regarding the existence of aliens could be differentiated into irrational and rational thinking, one based on real-life experiences and encounters and the other not. The study illustrates that the study of the UFO phenomenon can extend into the psychological lens to study the phenomenon’s impact on human perception.

Levin, Samuel, et al. “Darwin’s Aliens.” International Journal of Astrobiology, vol. 18, no. 1, 2019, pp. 1-9.

The researchers applied Darwin’s evolutionary theory to predict an alien’s biological makeup. It is argued that as complexity increases on Earth and in the cosmos and as individuals come together to form higher levels of individuals, aliens, too, could have undergone natural selection and had several transitions to become complex organisms. Besides, scholars have noted that restrictive conditions that eliminate conflict result in major biological transitions. Knowing that aliens have been subjected to natural selection, it is possible to make predictions about their biology and the presence of hierarchy within their social system.

Reich, Aaron. “Aliens May Be Looking for Earth but Can’t Find Us – Study.” The Jerusalem Post, 2023. Web.

In the article, the author hypothesizes that aliens exist but have not yet found the Earth to establish contact. This is because humanity has only searched for aliens for around sixty years. Moreover, the signals humans have received from space are rare, lowering the chances of contact. Because of the rarity of the signals, it may take between sixty to two thousand more years. Besides, there is a lack of understanding of where to look because the cosmos is vast, and the traditional approaches have not reached their intended effectiveness.

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